Chapter 65 - First Princess of Melromarc

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Dante stared at the red-haired princess, but Motoyasu moved to block his line of sight. Slowly approaching on her right was Rino, while the shadow inched forward on the left. It seemed like he found out who the shadow was working for.

So, either the shadow is on loan from the church, or was swayed to Malty's side. It will not matter when Malty is dead.

By numbers, the two groups were even. By levels and raw power, one person from Dante's party could likely handle all of them. The only real problem was Motoyasu. Just because he fell to Glass didn't mean he wasn't strong. He might pose a threat.

"I will hold off Motoyasu." Dante glanced over his shoulder to his party. "Kill the shadow, but leave the others alive."

He'd rather kill Malty himself. It would probably be good to learn what she knows first, but he wasn't too picky.

"Stay behind me, ladies." Motoyasu called to his party. "I won't let this bastard hurt any of you!"

It didn't seem like Motoyasu listened to him at all. That wasn't surprising in the least. That, or he was including the shadow in his vow.

"Little Dante, maybe I should try talking to him first?" Sadeena offered.

Dante shook his head. "Pointless." However Malty got him here, she likely already filled his head with all sorts of things to keep him from listening. Whatever her plan was, it wouldn't go farther than this.

"I'll free everyone in your party you've enslaved!" Motoyasu roared and he charged forward.

Case in point.

Dante ran to meet him. His shield crashed into Motoyasu's spear, pushing the blond man back. Only, it wasn't as easy as Dante imagined. The spear wielder was losing ground, but Dante thought he'd get knocked over without issue.

The shield Dante had equipped was his Goliath Spider Shield. After improving it to the same degree as his others, he found the stats were a bit better than his Dark Tyrannosaurus Shield, except for his attack stat.

"Cleave Bash III!" Dante broke off and swung his shield at Motoyasu.

The blond man barely avoided the strike and pointed his spear. "Lightning Spear!"

A beam of electricity shot out at Dante. He raised he shield and blocked the attack, but his HP went down slightly. He had some equip bonuses giving him lightning resistance, so this was a bit strange to see.

"Little Dante, maybe we should take this out of the city." Sadeena voiced her concern, though she did move forward with Raphtalia and JoJo.

"This will not take long." Dante assured her. Motoyasu was just a little stronger than he realized.

As Dante blocked another strike, he noticed Motoyasu's armor looked a bit better than at the last wave. He even had a few accessories on it, his spear, and on his body. Most of the latter were in the form of rings.

Oh, yeah, I gave him a few of my battle potions. Perhaps he took one before charging.

That might explain his slight power.

"Chaos Spear!" The skill launched numerous spears toward Dante.

"Air Strike Shield VI!" Dante skill intercepted most of them, but a coupled raced toward him around his erected barrier. Dante blocked those easily enough, but there was still some slight damage.

Deciding to end this fight to take care of what he actually wanted, Dante dismissed his skill and lunged forward to grab hold of Motoyasu's spear. Just like on his first day here, he'd show the spear user his weapon's weakness. Motoyasu, on the other hand, quickly twisted his spear around. It broke Dante's grip, causing him to step back. With the moment of surprise, Motoyasu swiped his spear across Dante's chest.

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