Chapter 63 - Deus Vult!

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"Papa, tell me what my name means!"

Dio had been saying that since they saw Reiko, and has been repeating it for the last few minutes. Dante poked fun at Reiko's monsters, saying some more resembled things from games he remembered. Reiko had the bright idea to talk about Dio and JoJo's names. The death glare she got from Dante was enough to make her run off.

"It's really not that big of a deal." Dante tried to dissuade his daughter, though that only had the opposite effect.

"Come on! Tell me!" Dio was set on learning this. She would likely pester Dante until he gave in, or he distracted her with something else.

"Oh, Dante." Ann walked over to the pair, giving a light wave.


"Ann! How are you?" Dante immediately faced the tailor woman, hoping she would prove to be a good diversion to their current topic.

"Annie!" Without having to do anything, Dio was already focused on her.

"Hello, sweet little angel." Ann waved down at Dio. "I'm good, Dante. Most of my injuries are already healed. I can't thank you enough."

"I told you, what happened to you was because of me. Saving you was only right."

Ann shook her head. "I all did for you was make magic clothes for your companions. I didn't do that much."

"You're wrong." Dante dismissed her claim. "You helped us when no one else would. As far as I'm concerned, you are a friend."

He meant that, too. At the rate he was losing friends, he didn't want any more to die.

"Thank you." She had a smile on her face. "But, I really do want to do something for you. And, I have just the thing!"

Dante sighed, but not in an exasperated way. "Well, since you're going to be stubborn about it, I'll hear you out."

"I heard you were having trouble getting a wanted poster made for the man who attacked your village. I'd like to try drawing him for you."

"Oh?" It was true that the artists at the castle were having a hard time understanding Dio's descriptions. Even though he wasn't artistically inclined, he could see why. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

It wasn't like they had a lot planned for the day, or at least nothing with a time constraint. Some leveling and training, but that was about it.


They went to the manor next. Dante borrowed some materials to draw with from Fiadia, though not their intended purpose, and went to the eating room to do the work. When they sat down, Dio decided to sit on Dante's lap. It would free up their hands, not that Dante needed an excuse to be close to his daughter.

"Okay! Let's begin." Ann looked at Dio expectantly.

Here we go...

Dio began describing Takt's appearance to Ann. This would be the fourth time Dante listened to Takt's 'appearance', so he zoned in and out of the conversation between the two.

"...and he had a griffin face!"

"How so?"

"Well, his nose looks like a dog's, and his eyes are all slanty."

"I see, I see."

That's not how a griffin looks, sweetie.

Dante didn't want to interrupt the flow. Ann had the paper on a board and slanted back, so he couldn't see how it was coming along. If nothing else, it would be another sketch he could keep. A funny little thing his daughter tried to have designed.

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