Chapter 79 - Aftermath of Corruption

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The camp for the army felt a lot more barren. It was, of course, but the feeling was worsened by the general outlook of the soldiers. With over half the army killed, there was twice as much to pack away before moving out. Given the long battle, the extreme casualties, and the low morale, the army would pack up and move out tomorrow. It was already late evening anyway.

Dante walked through the camp, coming to one tent in particular. A pair of knights stood guard outside, but they allowed him entry. Careful with the tray he was carrying, Dante ducked under the flap and looked to the three occupants inside.

"Hey." He said, slowly making his way closer.

"Hey..." With seemingly great effort, Motoyasu greeted him back.

The Spear Hero laid on one of the cots in the tent, head propped up slightly as he looked over at Dante. A pair of stools were pulled up next to him with Elena and Lesty sitting on them. Given their closeness to him and the pain Dante could see on Motoyasu's face, it was clear what they were there for.

"Can I speak with him alone?" Dante asked the women.

They looked back to Motoyasu for an answer. He gave them the briefest of nods before they stood, Elena giving him one last pat on his shoulder.

As Dante walked past the two, he got a better look at Motoyasu. Out of his armor, he was covered in bandages, ones soaked in holy water. It was a mistake to think the cursed flames didn't do damage to him. Just like when Dante overused his curse abilities, the curse damage on Motoyasu was more internal than external.

"...You're old." Motoyasu murmured as Dante approached.

"Hm." Dante gave him a nod. Despite having his weapon in its shield form, Dante was still physically 28. The difference in age was only about seven years, but Dante was younger than him earlier today. He set the tray down on one of the stools before sitting on the other. "I heard you haven't eaten."

"...I'm not hungry." The Spear Hero responded.

"You are, you just don't realize it." Dante switched out his shield to one he hadn't needed for a while. With two cups ready, he poured a liquid from his barrel-like shield into them. "And you shouldn't drink on an empty stomach."

Motoyasu looked to the cups, then the food, before slowly turning his gaze to Dante again.

"Eat." Dante said, though not too forcefully. "We're going to Cal Mira later to help treat our curses."

The cursed flames hurt, but they weren't Dante's biggest concern. Apparently, the curses he got when it was only the Shield were something like an older version of the curse series. Like two different versions of software, it wasn't compatible with the current setup of the curse series. It's the reason why that goddess was so frantic about him having both active at once.

"I thought you weren't drinking." Motoyasu said as he eyed the food again.

"Sadeena said it was fine for today after everything we went through. Well, more like she encouraged me." Dante picked up his cup and drank it down. After a few more seconds of staring, Motoyasu pushed himself up and swung his legs over the edge. With half lidded eyes, he reached for a fork and started skewering some of his food.

They continued to eat and drink in silence. No more words needed to be said just yet. Dante knew what the man was going through. He went through it himself. Twice.

Finally, Motoyasu spoke again. "Fleonne and Rino are dead."

"Yeah..." Dante was told that earlier, back inside the Spirit Tortoise.

Elena had come through the hole Motoyasu made when he killed Balmus. It was long after they left to finish the Spirit Tortoise. After her initial shock at his mental shift, she tried to keep up with the enraged Spear Hero, but lost him in the winding tunnels. She and Lesty left with him when he was carried out before Dante's party tried talking with that goddess.

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