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꧁It Has Been Decided꧂

⪻Sophie's POV⪼

I held Ella to my chest as I cried. I couldn't let the guilt break me but everyone getting hurt was my fault. The elvin world was in peace from I came along. Why did Mr. Forkle even create me. All I have caused to happen is people getting hurt and killed. We have had one victory but more than half of my friends hated me for that victory. I don't know what to do anymore. I need to find the solution before the guilt breaks me.

I came to my senses as I yawned. I had stayed up all night trying to find a solution. I had to go to school today. I got up letting Ella go and heading into the bathroom. I turned on the shower to the hottest setting and got undressed. I brushed my hair. I then checked the water and it was fully heated up.

I stepped into the water letting the hot water cascade over my bare skin. It burned but it felt amazing at the same time. I just stood in the hot water for awhile before finally starting to wash my hair. I poured the mint scented shampoo into my hand. I closed the cap and then rubbed my hands together. It lathered up before I put my hands in my hair and started rubbing the shampoo in. I finished and started rinsing out the shampoo.

I finished and then grabbed the mint scented conditioner. I poured it into my hand and closed the cap. I rubbed my hands together before applying the conditioner to the ends of my hair. I then started washing my bady with a strawberry scented body wash. I finished and rinsed of my body before starting to rinse out the conditioner.

I finally finished my shower and stepped out turning off the water. Most of my skin was red from the intense heat of the water. I grabbed my towels and started drying myself off. I finished with my body and put my hair up in my hair towel. I then changed into my school uniform and walked out of the bathroom. I put on deodorant, perfume, and a slight bit of makeup with Verta's help.

I then took out my hair towel and dried my hair the best I could with a hair dryer. K finished and Verta helped me fix my hair into a complex braid. I looked not bad. My horrible eye bags were covered up so I didn't look tired. I then grabbed my school bag and stepped out of my room.

I got to the first floor and saw Edaline sitting at the table eating breakfast. I sat down across from her and dug in. The food was amazing. Soon enough though it was time for me to go. I walked up to the leapmaster and called out for Foxfire. The crystals spun before one came down casting a beam of light. I sighed before stepping into the light and I was whisked away to Foxfire.

The school day went slowly. Almost the entire day I was trying to think of how to fix my problem. At lunch I thought of it. Luckily I didn't have a private lesson with Fitz today because he would have sure found out about my plan. Over the next week I made a bunch of secret trips to the Forbidden Cities to see the latest human fashion and different things. Finally it was Friday night.

I laid down in bed and after a couple hours I started to hear Sandors snores. At around 11:00 it had started storming that was great news. The loud noise from me telaporting would be covered up. I got up out of bed. I made my bed nearly and laid my note down on my pillow.

I grabbed my backpack that I had packed with human clothes. I quick changed into a pair of human clothes. I then stuffed Ella into my backpack. I walked over to my window and took a deep breath. I then clicked the lock button I had found on the window and swung the giant window open. I put my backpack on and levitated out of the window. I closed the window. No one even knew the window opened so I didn't have to worry about locking it again.

Even so I used concentration and I saw the lock click back into place. I then started levitating up towards the clouds. My clothes were already socked but I didn't really mind. I got to a good height before I sighed and dropped my levitation. I started falling and cracked open the sky and fell into the void. I concentrated not on where I was going because I already knew that but I had learned how to not make the void crack open when I came out.

I did it and I feel out of a small hole out of the void. I barely fit but it worked. I sighed. I sifted my backpack and stood up. I pulled the small device Dex gave us all after I suggested we all have a device that could help us to pull money out of our bank accounts. I found an ATM and pulled out $1000 I pocketed it before anyone could see it.

Despite the rain and it being the middle of the night the streets of L.A. were quite busy. I then started walking to the apartment complex where I
rented an apartment. I found the place and went in the apartment. I went in went to my bedroom. It was a nice but not super expensive apartment.

I got to my bedroom and set my backpack down pulling out a pair of short shorts and an oversized T-shirt. I changed into them. I pulled out Ella and went over to the bed. I plopped down on the already made bed and curled up into the covers. I fell asleep after a little while.


✦1021 words✦

♥What is your favorite ship? It can be from anything.♥


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