✮𝚂𝚑𝚎'𝚜 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔✮

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Edaline's POV

Keefe hailed me and told me he had a surprise at the healing center. He said to bring Grady so I went out to the pastures and told him to get cleaned up, because we were going to the healing center. At first he thought something was wrong but then I explained and he relaxed.

After about 10 minutes we were ready so we went to the leapmaster. We arrived and saw the back of Keefe and a girl that looked almost exactly like Sophie. "Sophie!" I called out. The girl turned, she looked exactly like Sophie. "Hello, sorry but I'm Katie." Keefe then turned and a girl ran towards me.

"M-mom." She whispered. "Sophie!" I almost yelled, I hugged her tightly. Grady came over and joined the hug. I started to cry. My baby girl was finally back.

Sophie POV

I was hugging my parents when suddenly I started to feel sick. I could feel it coming. 1...2...3...My legs gave out. My parents weren't holding me very tightly so I collapsed to the floor. My vision started going in and out and everything was super loud and super quiet at the same time. "K-Keefe." I managed to get out. After a couple seconds a familiar pair of arms wrapped around me.

I leaned against him and a voice in my head said, "Sleep." So I did. I fell asleep and I was in my own mind. A black blob appeared in front of me. It spoke, "Sophie you are sick." "What?" I asked. "If you leave Keefe for more than 20 minutes you will faint, and if he doesn't get to you within 5 minutes you will die." It then vanished, and I was left with so many questions.

I awoke curled up in Keefe's arms in my old bed. I smiled and rested my head against his chest. He woke up after about 10 minutes of me continuing to twist around because I was either too hot or too cold. He sat up and pulled me up with him. He yawned and opened his eyes. I looked up at him. He looked down at me.

"Sophie can I kiss you?" He asked. "You don't have to ask." I said. He then leaned in and our lips met. Our lips fit together perfectly. He held my back and I had my arms around his neck. He pulled away. I looked at him like I never have before. I then pulled him in again being more rough this time. He followed my rhythm.

That's when my door opened. We were both to into it and didn't hear the door. That's when someone cleared their throat. We sprung away from each other and looked up. There stood Fitz. "Really?" He asked. "I thought we had something Sophie?" Fitz said. "Fitz I..." I started to say. "Save it, I don't what to hear it." He was about to storm out of the room when Keefe said, "Fitz wait." "What?" Fitz snapped. Keefe got up and lead Fitz our into the hallway. I heard some shouting and some cursing. After about 10 minutes I started to not feel great. I made my way towards the door and opened it. I went to Keefe and hugged him tightly.

Or that's who I thought I had gone to. After a couple seconds he shoved me away. I looked up and saw Fitz. He raised his hand and then "!smack!" He slapped me across the face. I looked at him with fear in my eyes. I took a step back and would have fallen if Keefe hadn't caught me. He held me behind him getting in between me and Fitz. I started silently crying and clutched onto Keefe. He yelled and yelled at Fitz and finally Fitz stomped down the stairs. Keefe turned to me and picked me up. He went back into my room and locked the door. He sat down and set me in his lap.

He lifted up my chin and turned my head. He stroked my cheek with his thumb. He took away his hand. "I can't believe he slapped you..." He said. I tilted my head up just as a tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb before kissing me on the forehead. I moved closer to him. I then put my arms around his neck. He rested his arms around my waist. We both leaned in at the same time and our lips met. We pulled away at the same time and he started to pepper my face with kisses.

By the end of the week everyone knew I was back. Every night the blob of black would appear in my dreams. It told me the only way to cure Love Sick, I just didn't know how to tell Keefe. It has been two weeks since I got back. Keefe made me go to Elwin for a check up. I needed to tell Elwin what the cure is. Once we were done with the check up I asked Keefe to step outside as I wanted to talk to Elwin in private.

Keefe stepped out and Elwin turned to me. "What's up Sophie?" He asked. "I know what the cure to Love Sick is." I said. He gasped. "What is it so I can get started on it right now?" He asked. "Wait." I said. He turned back to me. "Keefe...he has to...he has to get me pregnant." I said quickly. Elwin froze. "What?" He asked. I looked away. "Have you told Keefe yet?" He asked. I shock my head. "I don't know how."

That check up was odd. Once we got back to Havenfield I knew I needed to tell Keefe. We said hi to my parents and went up to my room. We entered and Keefe flopped on my bed. I walked over and he sat up. I sat next to him. He pulled me onto his lap and leaned in. Our lips met and we kissed.

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