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Sophie's wedding dress

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Sophie's wedding dress

Sophie's wedding dress

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Keefe's suit

Jane's flower girl dress

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Jane's flower girl dress

Jane's flower girl dress

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Bridesmaid dresses

Sophie POV

I was beyond nervous. Linh was doing my hair while Biana was doing my makeup. Jane then ran up to me. "Mama you look so pretty!" She said happily. "You look really pretty too sweetie." I said picking her up and setting her in my lap. We had waited 5 years after getting engaged so that Jane could be in our wedding. When we told her we wanted her to be our flower girl she was overjoyed.

After another 20 minutes we were all ready and we just had to wait now. My mom then walked in. She walked over to me and hugged me. "You look beautiful Sophie." She whispered in my ear. I smiled and hugged her back. "I can't believe you wanted to wear Jolie's wedding dress. Before you ran away I was afraid you wouldn't even wear a dress to your wedding." My mom said. I chuckled. "I definitely changed over those three years." All if a sudden Dex popped his head in he door. "Bridesmaids come on." He said. Biana, Linh, Marella and Stina followed him out the door. "I a going to go to." My mom said before following them.

Jane then grabbed onto my leg. I looked down and saw she was on the verge of tears. I crouched down. "What's wrong sweetie?" I asked softly. "Mama I'm scared I'm going to mess up." She said her voice wobbling. "You're going to be okay. Dada is going to be in front of you along with Mr. Forkle and all you Aunts and Uncles, and then Mama and Grandpa are going to be right behind you." I explained hugging her. "O-okay." She said quietly. "How about once you get to the front you give Dada a quick hug before going over to Aunt B. If you want you can always ask Aunt B to hold your hand once your up there." I said softly. She nodded. She then pulled away and I saw a small smile on her lips. 

I kissed her on both her cheeks. She giggled. My dad then walked into the room. "You ready to go kiddos?" He asked. I nodded standing up. I saw Jane nod. Jane then led the way out of the room. My dad held out his arm and I hooked my arm with his. Jane froze when she saw all the people. "Dad ca you walk with her, and then come back for me?" I whispered. He nodded. He then walked forward and crouched down. "Do you want to walk with Grandpa?" He asked softly. She nodded. He then took her hand and stood back up. I watched as he walked her to the front where she ran to Keefe and hugged him before running over to Biana and looking up at her. Biana held out her hand and Jane took it. 

My dad was then in front of me. He held out his arm and I once again hooked my arm in his. I then started walking towards the front. I arrived and stood on the opposite side of Keefe. Mr. Forkle then started talking. We said our vows and then Mr. Forkle said, "You may now kiss the bride." Keefe grabbed my hips softly and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back. The ceremony ended and we waited a little while before it was time to eat. After we finished eating I clapped my hands together. I then looked at Biana. Before my wedding had started I agreed to help Biana make her announcement and help Marella with her surprise. 

Biana took Dex's hand and he looked at her confused. She took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." She said. Dex froze before picking up Biana and twirling her around. Everyone started clapping. After the meal we took more pictures and then started dancing. It was starting to get dark and it was time for me to throw the bouquet. Instead of throwing it I walked over to Linh and held it out to her. She looked at me confused. "Turn around." I said softly after she had taken the bouquet from my hands. She turned and gasped. Marella was down on one knee with a ring in her hand. 

"Linh Song, you are the most beautiful kindest person I have ever met. I have loved you ever since I met you. I have wanted to ask you for a while now and Sophie agreed to help me so Linh will you marry me?" She asked. Linh had tears streaming down her cheeks. She nodded and launched herself into Marella's arms. I smiled at the the sight. My life was content. I have married the man of my dreams have the most beautiful daughter and all of my friends are happy. I couldn't be happier. 

No one POV

Two years later a beautiful baby boy was handed to his older sister. Jane sat in her mother's lap holding her infant brother. The beautiful family couldn't be happier. 

Alright everyone that is it. This story is officially over. Thanks for reading my story :) I greatly appreciate all of you. That's it bye beautifuls. ;)

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