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Sophie POV

I'm about 3 months pregnant now. It has not been a very fun 3 months, but I'm slowly getting used to it. Biana, Linh, and Marella are coming over in a couple days. Me and Keefe cleaned up my room some what and then we went down to the living room and relaxed on the couch. I slowly started to fall asleep on Keefe's chest.

I fell asleep and started to dream.


I was in my bed asleep when the door slammed open waking me up abruptly. I made a surprised noise and looked over at the door. I saw Keefe and he seemed pissed. I sat up clutching my stomach and made a small noise because my stomach hurt. He looked over at me. "Can you shut up! Those little noises you make are fucking annoying!" He yelled. I flinched and gripped my stomach tighter as the pain got worse.

Keefe then vanished and the door opened to reveal another pissed Keefe. He then yelled at me for another thing. It happened over and over. "You're so fucking annoying it was better when you weren't here!" Keefe screamed. I started to cry. Keefe left and I started to pack a bag. I then stole Grady's pathfinder and spun to a random forbidden city and leaped there. I then smashed the pathfinder. I sat down and cried. Keefe's screaming kept repeating in my mind. It started to rain and I sat there. It started to pour and then it started to thunder.

I jumped when I saw Keefe walking across the road. He got to me raised his hand and then hit me right across the face. We were then back in my room and it flashed back and forth between Keefe and Fitz hitting me. It then stopped and everyone I knew started to saying I should just have stayed away or just killed myself. I cried and cried. I was then back on the curb. I saw a bus coming and got up and ran in front of it. It then went black.

I woke up to being shaken. I opened my eyes to see Keefe. I jumped at him and hugged onto him tightly. I clutched onto his shirt. He sat up pulling me into his lap. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I started to repeat. "Please don't hit me!" I cried out. I then started to cry harder than I ever have before. I started to repeat the word 'please' over and over again.

Keefe then lifted up my chin. I looked at him terrified and then squeezed my eyes closed and turned away. After a minute I still had felt nothing. I then felt hands over mine. "Sophie I'm not going to hit you. I never ever will." I heard Keefe say. I turned my head back slightly. I slowly opened my eyes and saw he looked like he was telling the truth.

"Y-you promise?" I asked. He nodded. "I promise Sophie I will never ever hit you, or even think about it." I relaxed slightly and hugged him. He pulled me closer and put one arm around my waist and the other hand in my hair. I closed my eyes and my tears started to soak through Keefe's tunic. We sat there for awhile. When I suddenly felt a huge rush of pain. I tensed and bite my lip trying not to make a noise.

I bite harder as a tear rolled down my cheek. I soon tasted blood. I started to feel nauseous. I started to feel faint. I pulled away from Keefe and got up and ran to the bathroom before collapsing in front of the toilet and started vomiting. I stopped and collapsed against the wall. Keefe was sitting next to me rubbing my back. I waited a couple minutes before standing up and walking over to the sink.

I grabbed my toothbrush and started to put on some toothpaste when everything started to spin. I was about to set the toothpaste down when everything went black.

Keefe POV

Sophie has thrown up again and after a couple minutes she got up and went over to the sink and started to put toothpaste on her toothbrush. I was standing against the wall when all of a sudden she fainted. I ran over and caught her just before she hit the floor. I laid her down on the floor. I started to panic about what I was supposed to do when I heard a groan. I looked at Sophie to see her trying to sit up.

I immediately knelt down and pulled her into my arms. She then rested her forehead on my shoulder. After a little bit I grabbed under her butt and picked her up. She was way too light. She loosely wrapped her arms around my neck. "Do you want to go make mallowmelt?" I asked. She nodded into my shoulder.

I then walked down the stairs to the bottom floor. I then walked into the kitchen. I set Sophie down on the counter and pulled out the recipe book. I flipped to mallowmelt. I then started to get the ingredients ready. Sophie helped me measure and mix them up. We finished and I put them into the oven.

I then looked over at Sophie. She was covered in flour. I went over to her and licked her nose. She blushed red. "What was that for!?" She said surprised. "You had flour on your nose." I said. "You also have flour here, and here, and here." I said as I started to lick her face. She blushed. Just as I was about to lick her lips she pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back and lightly bite her lower lip.

She granted me access and I started to explore her mouth with my tongue. My tongue then collided with her and our tongues started to dance. They danced for a couple minutes before I pulled away. A string of saliva connected our tongues. Her lips looked red and puffy, her cheeks were dusted pink, her eyes glittered, and her hair hung over the sides of her face. She was breathing heavily. I kissed her nose.

She blushed slightly and smiled as she hugged me. She then looked at me and licked my cheek. "Flour?" I asked. "Yep." She responded. I pulled her off of the counter into my arms. I then lifted her up and spun around. I then dropped her and caught her. She started laughing and clung onto me. I laughed with her.

I then started throwing her up into the air and then catching her. I did it till she was laughing like crazy. I then set her down and bowed. "Would you like to dance malady?" She took my hand and laughed. We then started dancing around the kitchen. We didn't have any music or anything but Sophie's laughter was like music to my ears.

I then twirled her around and then pecked her on the lips. Just then the timer to the oven went off. We both smiled and I kissed her on the cheek before letting go and grabbing the oven mitts. I then opened the oven door and grabbed the tray of mallowmelts. I set the tray on top of the oven.

I then took off the oven mitts and went back over to Sophie. I picked her up and kissed her. She immediately started kissing back. I then started to trail down her neck. I found her sweet spot and started sucking on it and biting softly. She moaned. I then stared to move all over her neck leaving a bunch of hickeys and love bites.

After about 15 minutes I stopped, set her down and kissed her on the lips again. Our tongues danced her arms wrapped around my neck and mine were wrapped around her waist. 10 minutes later we were sitting on the couch eating our mallowmelt. I grabbed a piece and held it in front of Sophie and she bit into it, I then bit into the other end.

Author note

I really like this chapter, to has a bit of angst and then a whole lot of fluff. I am slowly getting motivated back! I will see you guys in the next chapter! Bye 👋🏻

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