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Keefe POV

We got back from the healing center and I flopped on Sophie's bed. She walked over to me and I sat up. She sat next to me. I pulled her into my lap and leaned in. Our lips met. Our kisses were like magic. I loved every single one. I love her so much. She pulled away after a little bit. I was a little confused usually I pulled away because I run out of air faster than she does. She looked at me with that cute worried crease in her forehead.

"What's wrong?" I asked. "I..." She started. I then saw a tear roll down her cheek. "Sophie I'm sure whatever is wrong it will be okay." "I-I-I-I" She stuttered before starting to cry. I pulled her close and held her. She cried for a while before finally calming down.

"Can you tell me what's wrong now?" I asked. She looked at me and took a deep breath. "I...I know the cure to Love Sick." She said. She wouldn't make eye contact with me. What was so bad about that? "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked. She got up off of my lap and stood in front of me, with her head down so I couldn't see her eyes. "You...you have to get me...pregnant." She said and then turned her head.

My jaw dropped. I was shocked. She's only 18, I'm only 19. Most elves don't try till at least 100. I stood up. I stepped towards her and she stepped back. I went to take another step and she looked scared. I stopped. "Sophie come here." She look up and I saw fear in her eyes. She very slowly walked towards me. She stopped right in front of me and I hugged her. After a minute or two she hugged me back. She had seemed to have calmed down so I said, "We can try." She looked up at me with her eyes glossed over.

We sat back down on the bed and started to talk about different things. About an hour later Edaline walked in with dinner. Sophie got up and stepped out of the room. I'm assuming to tell her about the cure. We were going to try. Grady might kill me but at least Sophie will be healed. She came back in after 5 minutes. I set the food down on the bed and got up I walked over to her and hugged her. I then picked her up. She grabbed onto me and rested her head on my shoulder. "How about after we eat we cuddle and go to bed." I said. I felt her nod.

I then sat down and we ate dinner. I then set the tray on the nightstand. I laid down and pulled Sophie down with me. She had her back to me and my arm was over her stomach keeping her close to me. After a little bit she pulled away and turned over to face me. "Are we dating?" She asked. "If you want to be." I told her. "Okay, lets date." She said. "Okay baby." I said kissing her on the forehead. She smiled an buried her face in my chest. I wrapped both of my arms around her. "I love you Sophie." I said quietly. She was already asleep.

One afternoon

I walked into our room and saw Sophie standing in front of her dresser. She seemed to be petting Iggy. I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist. She tensed at first but then relaxed. She kept doing this and it was starting to worry me. She leaned against me. I rested my head on her shoulder. She seemed to be thinking.

She then exhaled. "Keefe...I think I'm ready to try." She said. "Alright we can try tonight." I said. She then turned around and hugged me. I wrapped one arm around her and used the other to tilt up her chin. I then kissed her, she kissed back. I bit her lip and our kiss deepened. I pulled away after a little bit because I ran out of breath. She hugged me tightly and rested her head against my chest. I kissed the top of her head.

The day went both fast and slow for both of us. Finally it was time. I was sitting on the bed and she was standing in front of me. I pulled her into my lap. I kissed her on the lips. I pulled away and she looked at me. "Please be gentle." She said. "I will, I promise." I said. I then put my head on her shoulder.

Sophie POV

I asked him to be gentle and he promised he would. He then put his head on my shoulder. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. To say I wasn't nervous would be a lie. I was terrified, but I really wanted to be healed. I knew I should be on my ovulation so that's why I said today. I just hoped we didn't have to try more than once.

I was in my head thinking so I was surprised when Keefe started kissing my neck. I had made a small sound. I didn't expect it to feel good but it did. He slowly drifted down until he reached the neckline of my shirt. His hands slowly drifted underneath my shirt. He then pulled away from my neck. "Can I?" He asked. I nodded and he pulled my shirt off.


I was tired. It was almost 1:00 am. We had finished. Keefe noticed my tiredness and picked me up. He walked into the bathroom and started the water. Once the bath tub was full he stopped the water and sat down and sat me in front of him. I leaned against him and he started to wash my hair. He finished and then washed my body. I felt so ready to fall asleep. He finished washing me and himself and stood up. He then picked me up. He drained the water and dried us off.

Keefe POV

We finished and I could tell Sophie was super tired. I picked her up and started the water. I helped her bathe and bathed myself. I finished and stood up. I picked her up and drained the water. I dried both of us off. I then went back to our room and grabbed some clothes for both of us. I quickly got dressed and then went over and helped Sophie get dressed. I picked her up and set her in the giant bean bag chair. I then changed the sheets and blankets. I finished and went back over to Sophie

Her eyes were halfway closed. I picked her up and walked over to the bed. I set her down and she crawled under the blankets. I clapped 3 times to turn on the star lights and then laid down beside her. She crawled over to me and clung to me. I wrapped my arms around her and after about 10 minutes I heard her breathing getting heavier. She was asleep. I fell asleep not long after.

The next morning

I woke up the next morning and Sophie was still asleep. I saw that Edaline had brought us breakfast. I waited for about a half an hour before Sophie started to stir. I had been staring out the window when I felt her hug me tightly. Her eyes were scrunched tightly closed. I sat up and pulled her up with me. I started to softly shake her. She opened her eyes widely and stared at me before hugging my tightly. I hugged her back. After a little bit she relaxed. "Edaline brought breakfast up if you want some." I said. She nodded so I grabbed the tray of food.

Sophie POV

I woke up in Keefe's arms after a nightmare. I hugged tightly to him and he hugged back. I calmed down and he said that my mom had brought up breakfast and if I wanted some. I nodded and he grabbed a tray of food. He let go of me and set the tray in between us. He grabbed a fork and started eating. I grabbed a fork, but I started to pick at my food, my nightmare still in the front of my mind. He must have noticed because he stopped and tilted my chin up to look at him. "Sophie what's wrong." He asked. "Nothing." I said I didn't want him to be worried about me. "Baby...please don't lie, I can feel your emotions remember." He said. "I..." I started. With being away from him for so long I forgot he could do that. "I had a nightmare." I said looking down.

He moved the tray of food and moved closer to me. He cupped my cheek with his hand. I leaned slightly into his hand. "What was your nightmare about?" He asked. My eyes glossed over. "F-Fitz." I said. "Fitz? From when he slapped you?" He asked. I shook my head.

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