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Sophie's POV

It has been exactly three years since I ran away from the Lost Cities. I was planning to go back after the two year mark but I fell sick and I was nervous.

Katie was over. She had already packed as she was coming with me. I was almost packed and was getting ready.

I was super nervous but I wasn't going to chicken out this time. I was pulling clothes out of my closet when I suddenly started to feel slightly light-headed. I brushed it off as nerves but sat down and folded the clothes I had already grabbed out of the closet and put them in the suitcases. I had a lot more clothes than what I ever had at Havenfield. After I sat down I slowly started to feel better.

It had been 20 minutes and I felt completely fine again. I got up to go out to Katie to help her clean up the kitchen, but halfway my head started to spin like crazy, but before I could grab onto everything, I saw black.

Katie POV

I was in the kitchen cleaning up and putting things in boxes, when I heard a loud thud. "Sophie you good?" I had assumed she dropped something, but I didn't get a response and I started to get worried. I set down the box I was holding and started to walk to her bedroom when in front of the bathroom door which was halfway from the kitchen and her bedroom, I saw Sophie passed out on the floor.

I knelt down and checked her vitals and everything seemed normal, so I hailed my mom, she was an elf and she specialized in medical stuff. She picked up and I explained what happened. She then asked me is Sophie liked anyone. I told her that she did and she said that I needed to find that person and soon or Sophie could die.

It was a very rare disease Sophie has, she would need her lover to cancel and kill the disease. I ran into Sophie's room and quickly dug through her stuff to find her imparter. I then said, "Show me Keefe Scenen"

I ran back to Sophie as the imparter rang. It took a couple seconds before Keefe's face appeared on the little screen. "Sophie?" He asked. "No. Hi. Sophie's sister Katie. You are going to see a void near you walk through it please." I said quickly. "Why should I trust you?" Keefe asked. I was angry as I yelled, "If you want Sophie to live get your ass here!!"

After a couple seconds Keefe appeared behind me. He saw Sophie and immediately knelt down on the floor next to her. He pulled her into his lap and hugged her tightly. She slowly started to wake up. She looked up and saw who was holding her and then kissed him.

Keefe POV

Katie yelled that and I immediately walked into the void. After a couple seconds I appeared in what seemed to be an apartment. I looked around quickly and saw Sophie collapsed on the floor. I immediately knelt down and pulled her into my lap. I could tell after a minute or two she slowly started to wake up. She looked up at me and then kissed me. I was surprised but kissed her back.

Sophie pulled away before resting her head against my chest and hugging me tightly. "Keefe..." Sophie said before bursting into tears. Sophie held onto me like her life depended on it. After a little while of just sitting there I stood up pulling up Sophie. Once we were standing, I took a small step closer to Sophie, before slightly bending down to pick her up.

I picked her up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. She was really light which surprised me. She put her head on my shoulder and not even two minutes later she fell asleep. I then turned to Katie. "What happened?" I asked her. "She has Love Sick."

I gasped. Love Sick was the rarest sickness ever. There has only ever been 2 cases of it. It is rare and deadly. Both of the two cases died because their lover didn't get their in time. The final stage of the sickness was fainting. If I had gotten their even 2 minutes later Sophie would have died. I held onto Sophie tighter.

"Katie right?" I asked. "Yeah." She responded. "You're Sophie's sister? I thought her only sibling was Amy or I guess she goes by Natalie now?" I asked curious. "Who the heck is that?" She asked. "She's Sophie's human sister, she never told you about her?" I was so confused. "The only person she talked about from her past was you." She told me.

"Also I'm sorry I should have seen the signs before it got this bad, but Love Sick is so rare I didn't even think about it." She said. "It's alright as long as she is okay." I said. "She'll be fine as long as you stay with her for 1-2 weeks, I would still get her checked out by Elwin though." She told me. "I already planned to do that."

Katie went on to tell me her past, how Sophie has been and what they were doing when Sophie fainted. I had decided to help pack so I had set Sophie down on her bed, and then helped Katie pack.

We had packed up everything about 2 hours. I had moved Sophie to the couch when we needed to strip the bed. We were done packing and it was just about time to leave.

"Should I wake her up?" I asked. "No let her sleep, this is the most she's slept at one time since she first came here three years ago." Katie told me. I knew she had sleeping problems but she only had been sleeping for like 2 hours. "How much sleep does she normally get?" I had to ask. "Probably 1-2 hours a week."

I was shocked. Before we left I found out that she barely ate, which explained why she felt so light. We decided to leap to Elwin's and then wake her up. We would finish up at the healing center and then we would leap to Havenfield to tell everyone she was back.

Elwin's POV

I was in the my office filing papers, when Keefe with someone in his arms and a girl standing next to him appeared. I jumped up because if Keefe was holding someone like that it never meant anything good.

I ran out of my office and Keefe saw me. "You can chill nothing is wrong." At that I calmed down. "Who and why are you holding someone?" I asked. "Oh um this is Sophie and she is sleeping." Keefe said. I gasped. Keefe then shifted her around so she was facing him. "Sophie wake up." He said softly in her ear. She shifted before yawning and hugging Keefe. "We're in the healing center." Sophie jolted up at that. She turned around and saw me. She wiggles around and Keefe set her down. She ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Oh Sophie." I said. "Sophie I'm going to hail Grady and Edaline." Keefe said. She pulled away from me and walked back over to Keefe. I then noticed the height difference between them. Keefe was almost a head taller than her. She leaned against him and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Keefe POV

I told Sophie I was going to call her parents and she let go of Elwin and walked back over to me. I for the first time realized how much shorter she was than me. She leaned against me and I wrapped one arm around her waist. I then hailed Edaline. She answered. "I have a surprise if you want to come to the healing center." I told her. "Should I bring Grady?" She asked "Yeah." I answered. "Alright I'll be there in about 10 minutes." She said. "Alright see you soon." I responded and then she hung up.

I set down my imparter and hugged Sophie. She hugged me back and her head on my chest. I then looked up at Elwin. "She has Love Sick." He gasped. "For who?" He asked. "Me."

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