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Two weeks after they tried

Sophie POV

Keefe was in the shower and I was sitting at my desk working on some school work, when I started to feel extremely sick. I gripped my stomach and started to cry. My stomach hurt so bad.

I got up from my chair at the desk and started to make my way over to the bed when I felt my legs give out and I collapsed to the floor. I curled up into a ball and held my stomach. I couldn't make anything out all I could feel was my stomach hurting. I started to cry heavily.

Keefe POV

I had just finished with my shower and had gotten changed. I stepped out of the bathroom and almost immediately saw Sophie on the floor curled up into a ball crying. I rushed over and knelt down. I picked her up and set her in my lap. She uncurled but kept her hands on her stomach.

"Sophie what's wrong?" I asked. "M-my s-stomach h-hurts." She said through her tears. She then quickly got up and ran into the bathroom. I ran after her and saw her throwing up. I knelt down and pulled her hair out of her face. I started to rub her back when she said, "H-hail E-elwin." "Right now?" I asked. She nodded before starting to throw up again.

I rushed out of the room and started to dig through my stuff trying to find my imparter. I found it and pulled it out and said, "Show me Elwin." It started to ring and I rushed back into the bathroom. I saw Sophie still sitting over the toilet throwing up. Elwin then picked up.

"What's up Keefe?" He asked. "Can you come to Havenfield? Sophie says her stomach hurts and she has been throwing up for the past 5 minutes." I said trying to comfort Sophie. "Oh god! I'll be there soon." He said before hanging up.

Sophie stopped throwing up and I pulled her into my lap. She put one arm over her stomach and the other around my neck. Not even 5 minutes later I heard knocking on Sophie's door. I yelled, "Come in!" I heard the door open and then I saw Elwin step into the bathroom. I picked up Sophie and stood up. "Set her on the bed." Elwin said letting me walk out of the bathroom. I walked over to the bed and set Sophie down. Elwin then put on his glasses and started flashing different colored orbs around Sophie's stomach.

He finished and stepped back. "I have good news and bad news." He said to me. "The good news is Sophie is pregnant, the bad news is it seems she is going to have an extremely painful pregnancy." He said. I looked down to Sophie and saw she was asleep. Elwin then pulled some vials out of his bags "I will need to make some more but make sure she drinks one of these a day." Elwin said looking at me. "Okay." I said. Elwin then left. I crawled into bed and took Sophie into my arms.

I don't care how hard it would be I would get Sophie through this. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I woke up to hear throwing up noises coming from the bathroom. I rushed into the bathroom and found Sophie throwing up. I pulled back her hair and started rubbing her back. She stopped throwing up and she crawled over onto my lap and started crying I wrapped my arms around her and just held her. After a little while she stopped crying. "What's wrong with me?" She muttered, but I heard her. "You feel asleep before Elwin explained. Sophie baby you're pregnant. He said it was going to be an extremely painful pregnancy." I told her. She looked up at me shocked. She then hugged me tightly.

The good news was Sophie was super happy to be pregnant but over the next couple of days we realized just how rough it was going to be. I would wake up every morning to with Sophie crying in pain or her throwing up. We quickly figured out that anything she ate she would just end up throwing back up. She was in excruciating pain. I made sure she took the vials of stuff every day. We told Edaline and Grady that Sophie was pregnant. Neither of them were mad which surprised me. I thought Grady was going to kill me when he found out.

After a week it hurt her too much to even walk so every time she needed to get somewhere I had to carry her. She thought she was being a burden, but I really didn't mind that much. It just worried me. With the pregnancy she would be gaining weight but if anything she was losing weight. One more week passed. She was now 4 weeks pregnant. Elwin came to check on her. Afterwards I pulled him out into the hallway and explained about the weight thing.

"Is she eating?" He asked. "She is but she just ends up throwing everything up." I explained. "I'm really worried because she was already underweight and now she feels barely 80 pounds." I told him. "Try and make her eat a lot. The baby needs some food." He said. I agreed and walked back into the room. I saw Sophie laying on the bed tears in her eyes.

"Do you need to throw up?" I asked. She shook her head. I then crawled into bed and pulled her close to me. She clung to me and started to cry. I started to whisper sweet nothings in her ear. After a little while she stopped crying and she was asleep. Weeks passed and nothing changed. She was now 2 months pregnant. It was currently 3 in the morning and I was sitting in the bathroom rubbing Sophie's back as she threw up for the third time tonight. I sighed and pulled Sophie into my lap since she was done throwing up. She soon broke down. I just sat their holding her. I was so tired. She stopped cry and fell asleep. I picked her up and went back to the bed. I set her down and then laid down next to her.

Hey guys author here. I've had this chapter in drafts for a while sorry about that. Anyway I wanted to say I'm having a really bad writers block especially with this story so it might be a while until I update again. That's it bye 👋🏻

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