✮𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚏𝚎'𝚜 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚢𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎✮

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Keefe's POV

It has been 2 years and 7 months exactly since Sophie ran away. I miss her so much. Even after all this time I still love her. I cried today. She's already 18. She was only 15 when she ran away. I'm scared she's dead. I just want her to come back.

We have no way to track her. After about a year we went to go find her but failed. Ever since then I've been scared she's dead. Mr. Forkle even tried to use his office map thing and still couldn't find her. If she ever comes back I'm telling her I love her, before I lose my chance. I might already have. She dated Fitz for a little while. It is very possible she found a boyfriend in the forbidden cities.

Every time I think about her I suddenly don't feel good. It's weird. Everyone else has completely adjusted and it seems like they don't even miss her.

About a year ago we beat the Neverseen and all the members are in Exile. Yet Sophie still didn't return. That was when we went out to try to find her. Grady and Edaline were so nice, and I live there permanently now. I still sleep in Sophie's bed. I have no clue how but even after all this time it hasn't lost her smell. I miss being able to read her emotions through the air, and being able to tease her. She was so funny and cute. I wish I could have told her I liked her before she ran away. I've tried to hail her but I've never got an answer.

Everyone thought I was insane for still being so upset over her running away, but I can just never get her out of my head. I started classes in the silver towers last year, and I'm already in the gold towers.

Even after we defeated the Neverseen I trained hard. I used training as a way to get my emotions out. I trained daily. I became more distant with my friends.

Fitz POV

It was a Tuesday night and I had gone to Everglen to have dinner with my family. I didn't return to the gold towers until almost 12:00. I went up to my room which was right across from Keefe's and despite the time I heard crying. At first I was confused, but then realized that it was coming from Keefe's room. I thought he had finally started to get better but I guess not.

Keefe thought a lot of us were completely over Sophie leaving, but we were almost as affected as he was we just tried to think about the positives. I knocked on his door but got no answer. I tried the handle and found the door unlocked. I walked in and saw Keefe curled up in the blanket against the wall crying hard. I sighed before walking over.

(This is not a ship, I promise it's just my style of writing) I don't even think he realized I was there, until I pulled him into a hug. He pulled away and unwrapped himself from the blanket and then hugged me back. He rested his head against my chest and cried. I held him there. I knew if anyone saw us it would be so awkward, but no one was there and Keefe needed this.

I waited for him to calm down and about 45 minutes later he pulled away from me. He stood up so I then followed suite. He started to clean up his room which was a bit of a mess. "Thank you Fitz." He said, after so much silence is sounded so loud. "Anytime Keefe, but I thought you were finally getting better?" I have asked half stated." He looked at me and I could see the deadness in his eyes as he said, "I thought I was getting better too."

I walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug. "Keefe listen to me, Sophie's strong, she's still out their and she probably has a good reason for not coming back yet." He looked down at the floor. Keefe slowly started to relax in my arms and I could tell he was falling asleep. I put him in his bed before going over to my own room and getting ready for bed before laying down and falling asleep about 15 minutes later.

I woke up that morning to screaming. It was coming from Keefe's room. I ran over to see Keefe still sleeping. Another nightmare. He would have these severe couple months. It always scared the shit out of me. No one lives anywhere near our rooms because of it. I shook him awake. "Let's go get breakfast." I told him once he was awake. He rolled out of bed got changed and then followed me down to the dining room to eat breakfast. It was only 6:30 so barely anyone was awake yet.

We barely saw anyone else so me and Keefe had gotten closer. I knew how much he missed Sophie but I didn't realize that it had gotten worse again until the night before.

Exactly 3 Years Since Sophie ran away

Fitz POV

It has been a while. To be honest it's a lot more boring without Sophie. It has been three years exactly since she ran away. Everyone is starting to doubt if she is ever coming back. She needs to or Keefe is going to kill himself. Is sounds harsh but it's the truth. He's barely going right now. I'm not sure how much longer he can keep going.

It had been a relatively normal day of classes. Nothing crazy happened. Me and Keefe sat at lunch and talked like he was all better, but I knew better than that. He was just trying to hide it. I decided I would talk to him later about hiding his feelings.

It was now after classes and me and Keefe were just hanging around in my room. Playing different games and talking about random things. Everything was fine until Keefe's imparter went off.

Author's note

Mwhahah. I am leaving you on a cliff hanger. If you are from the future welp no cliff hanger. Actually the next chapter will probably come out today or early tomorrow so whatever. Anyways how does everyone like the plot so far. I'm sorry if this is kinda crapppy, I'm trying, but I'm also trying to have fun while I write to soooo yeah. Alright that's it byeeeeeeeeeeeee 👋🏻

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