✮𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚜𝚝✮

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Sophie POV

I shook my head. "Why is he giving you nightmares then?" Keefe asked. "When we were dating, whenever he would get mad or upset he would yell at me and sometimes he..." I stopped as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Flashback to 3 and a half years ago

No one POV

"Ugh I can't fucking believe it. Just how idiotic are they." Fitz almost yelled. "Fitz I'm su-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP SOPHIE!!" Fitz yelled cutting Sophie off. She had walked up to him. He turned and shoved her away. Being clumsy she fell and hit her head against his desk. Some books and other things fell on her. She felt blood starting to drip out of the back of her head. "F-Fitz." She said weakly. "SHUT UP!" He yelled and she saw a glass flying at her. It hit her chest and shattered.

Her vision started going in and out. Just before she passed out she saw Fitz turn to her. Fitz has accidentally flung a glass at Sophie, he didn't even notice when it shattered against her chest. It took him about 5 minutes before he calmed down. He spun around looking for Sophie, he figured she had just shrank back to give him some space. He turned and saw her on the floor her head against his desk passed out with pieces of glass sticking out of her chest. He rushed over. He picked her up and rushed her to the leapmaster and leaped to the healing center.

End of flashback

"Sophie what did he do to you?" Keefe asked. "He...would sometimes h-hit me." I said as I started to cry softly. Keefe got up and sat right in front of me. He pulled me into his lap. "I would never hit you Sophie." I curled up into a ball and cried. He held me the entire time. After awhile Keefe asked, "What was the worse thing he did to you?" I uncurled and looked at Keefe. "When I told him I was going to stop looking for my biological parents he dislocated my shoulder, and when we broke up he broke my wrist." Keefe gasped. "How did he dislocate your shoulder!?"

"He had been holding onto my shoulder tightly and kept asking questions. I was tired and I really wanted to go to bed. So I tried to pull away, he pulled me back harshly and my shoulder dislocated."


Sophie POV

"Sophie why?" Fitz asked tightening his grip on my shoulder. "Fitz please I'm really tired can we talk some other time?" I said tears springing to my eyes from how hard he was gripping my arm. "No, we are having this talk right now." Fitz said sternly. "Please Fitz." I said trying to pull away. "NO!" He yelled and pulled me back harshly. I felt my shoulder dislocate. I started to cry and my other hand quickly grabbed my dislocated shoulder. He pulled my arm again and I whimpered. "Fine!" He said and shoved me to the ground. He walked away and pulled out his home crystal and leaped away.

I got up off the ground and ran inside still clutching my shoulder. I ran to the third floor and opened my parents' bedroom door. I stumbled in still crying and I saw Edaline. "M-mom." I said. She rushed over. "Sophie what's wrong!?" She said very worried. "M-my shoulder is dislocated." I said. She helped my relocate my shoulder and then I explained what happened. She told that I needed to break up with him, especially if he continued to hurt me.

End of flashback

"Was that before the week where you kept complaining about your shoulder hurting and would get scared whenever Fitz got close to you?" Keefe asked. I nodded. "How in the world did he break your wrist." Keefe asked. "He grabbed my wrist and started twisting, I had started crying because it hurt and he got upset so he twisted harder and I heard a cracking noise and I felt an immense pain shoot my arm and I looked down and my wrist was broken. I think Fitz must have felt it snap because he dropped my hand and backed away. He fled and I ran to the leapmaster and leaped to the healing center." I explained.

"Is that it?" He asked. I started to nod but then stopped. "He...he almost killed me one time." I said. Bullhorn has laid down next to me that day. Keefe stares at me with his eyes wide. "It was when we first started dating. He was angry over something I don't even remember anymore. He ended up shoving me away and I fell against his desk and cracked my head open. He got really angry when I tried to get his attention because I starting feeling blood drip from my head, and a minute later I saw a glass cup flying at me and it hit me in the chest and shattered. A piece of glass hit my heart and it almost killed me. If Fitz has been 5 minutes later with seeing what happened I would have died." I said. I then pulled off my shirt and pointed to a spot on my chest. "I still have a scar from it."

Keefe POV

Fitz almost killed my girlfriend, I was furious. Sophie has pulled off her shirt and pointed to a spot on her chest. There I saw a two inch scar. I pulled her in for a hug. She hugged back and rested her head on my shoulder. I started to feel my shirt become wet, telling me that she was crying.

Later that afternoon

"Babe can I borrow one of your sweatshirts?" Sophie asked. "Your going to take one either way so I guess you can." I said. I looked over and she picked my all red one. (A/N I just realized that elves don't wear sweatshirts but just go with it) She pulled off her shirt and slipped on the sweatshirt. It seemed to be about two sizes to big but it looked cute on her. She then walked over. She turned around and sat down in my lap. She looked up at me so I kissed her on the forehead.

Alright I don't usually do these but I need to say a couple things. This story is kinda wack cause I'm literally pulling it out of my ass. Also I keep forgetting that they are elves so I keep adding in human things, TwT sorry about that just roll with it. I really don't know where this story is going so yeah. Also I am very sorry for all of the spelling mistakes I don't edit my stories so they end up with a lot of a spelling mistakes. OMG thank you for so many reads. If this gets to 200 total I will probably cry. Bye 👋🏻

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