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꧁Trying To Stay Calm꧂

⪻Keefe's POV⪼

It was now a Saturday. Sophie has seemed pretty distant this past week. It was worrying all of us. We knew she hated the fact that we kept getting hurt but we wanted to help her no matter if we go hurt or not. I wanted to go see what was going on with her. It wasn't that early considering I knew Sophie likes to sleep in and if she is being bothered by something it is better to let her sleep. It was about 12 when I light leaped to Havenfield.

I was greeted by Edaline. She told Sophie hadn't come down yet but I could go see if she was awake. I knocked but got no response. I didn't hear the water running so I was knew she wasn't in the shower. "Sophie can I come in?" I asked. I go no response. I then opened the door. I walked in and saw her bed neatly made which was weird because her bed was never made neatly. I walked over and saw a note on her pillow. I grabbed it and opened it.

Dear reader of this note
I am sorry to say but if you are reading this I have run away. No one knew I was leaving but it is for the best. I know everyone is going to be upset but I ran away not only for all of you but for me. I felt guilty for everyone getting hurt and even some getting killed. The Neverseen are after me so if I am gone the Neverseen should leave you guys alone. Please not come looking for me. I may not return but if I do it will be once I am ready. Again I am very sorry.
Love Sophie

I stopped breathing. I wanted to break down crying but I could see why she did it. I inhaled sharply from holding my breath. I then got my composer and walked out of Sophie's room. I went over to Sandor and tapped him. I handed him the note. His breath hitched. He then handed the note back to me. I took it and started making my way downstairs.

I could tell from Sandors expression that he was internally destroying himself. "There was nothing you or anyone could do." I said my voice holding no emotion. I reached the kitchen and saw Edaline cooking. I cleared my throat and she looked over at me.

"I have something I want to show you but I would like Grady to b here to." I spoke. She looked at me confused before going out of a door and came back 5 minutes later with Grady. I handed Edaline the note. She read through it and gasped before starting to cry. She came over to me and hugged me. She didn't have the note anymore so she must have handed it to Grady because not long after I heard him gasp.

I wasn't exactly sure what to feel right now. I missed Sophie already and I loved her but I could understand her motives. I hugged Edaline back and started crying softly. She rubbed my back. I'm not sure exactly how long we stood there. I went home that day in shock. The next day passed quickly. It was then Monday. I didn't want to but I had to go to school. I brushed it off and got ready like a normal day.

It was then time to leave. I got to school and I was out of it most of the day. I'm pretty sure everyone noticed. School ended and I was about to leap home when I remembered I should probably check on Grady and Edaline. I walked back to the leapmaster and leaped off to Havenfield. I got there and knocked. Edaline opened the door.

She immediately hugged me. I hugged back. I could tell that Edaline had been crying because her eyes were red and puffy. Grady was no where in sight. All of a sudden a door opened and he came storming in. Even if I wasn't an empath I could tell he was extremely angry. He then saw me. He expression calmed slightly. He walked over and joined the hug.

We ended up spending hours discussing what to do. We had to tell everyone but we didn't know when and how. It got so late that Edaline offered that I just spend the night there. I took the offer and ended up spending that night and several more nights over at Havenfield. I slept in Sophie's room. It was hard but I got used to it. I had gotten up Wednesday and not thinking opened her closet. All of her Elgin clothes were their. I had immediately burst into tears.

It was hard knowing Sophie was completely by herself. I just wanted her to come back and I would hold her in my arms and tell her I love her and show her just how much I love her. It wasn't reality though. One week had passed and it was now Saturday. I was just chilling in Sophie's room when I heard someone yell. It sounded a lot like Fitz. I headed downstairs and I saw Grady and Fitz yelling, Edaline crying in a corner, Biana and Dex trying to calm Fitz down and I saw Tam crouching in front of his sister who was crying. After closer inspectionI saw Linh was bleeding from the head. I immediately knew I needed to take action.

I stuck my two fingers in my mouth and whistled just like Sophie showed me. It made my heart sting slightly. Everyone was suddenly looking at me. "What is going on here?" I asked trying to stay calm. "Tam take Linh to Elwin." I commanded. Tam immediately leaped away with Linh.

"Sophie ran away and you want to do nothing!" Fitz yelled. "She ran away because she felt guilty because we kept getting hurt. That guilt could break her and she knows it. She ran away to keep not only us but herself safe." I stated. "She doesn't need to be guilty for us getting hurt!" Fitz yelled. "She doesn't and she shouldn't but she does and we can change that." I said calmly. I was trying extremely hard to keep my composure. Fitz sighed. We had a talk and everything was resolved. Not everyone liked it but they all agreed to not go looking for Sophie.

I went to bed pretty late that night and for the first time my sleep was plagued with nightmares. They wouldn't go away for years to come.


✦1130 words✦

♥Have you ever accidentally hit your head off a wall? (I just accidentally did that (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)♥


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