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Sophie POV

Me and Keefe were relaxing on the couch when I heard a knock on the door. I got up carefully and made my way over. I opened the door and saw Marella and Linh. I smiled softly. "Where's Biana?" I asked. "She was taking too long to get ready so we left without her." Marella said with a slight smirk. I then felt a familiar pair of arms wrap around me. "Why don't you guys come in." I said opening the door fully and stepping out of the way.

They both walked in. I made my way over to the couch. Keefe sat down and pulled me into his lap. I squeaked at the sudden movement. I then relaxed into his arms. "You guys can sit down." I said motioning to the chairs. They both took a seat and we started talking. Keefe mostly kept quiet. After about 15 minutes another knock was heard. I went to get up but a sudden wave of pain sprouted from my abdomen.

My face shifted into one of pain. Linh must have saw because she got up and went to the door opening it. Biana walked over with her. Biana saw me and ran over and hugged me. I hugged her back as the pain had subsided slightly. She then pulled away and sat down. We all started talking. After about and hour Keefe moved me off his lap and stood up. "Do you guys want lunch?" He asked. I nodded. Keefe's food was the best.

He then walked away into the kitchen. We went back to gossiping. After a little while I was starting to get tired. Linh noticed. "Sophie are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah, just kinda tired." I said and then yawned. Just then Keefe walked in with the food.

He sat down on the couch setting the food down on the coffee table. I immediately started shoving the food in my mouth. I was so hungry. My nausea completely forgotten. I finished the food quickly and then leaned against Keefe. He wrapped an arm around my waist. I rested my head against his shoulder. I closed my eyes. I heard some conversation but didn't really focus on it.

A sudden sick feeling came over me. I was going to throw up. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I knelt down at the toilet and started throwing up. I felt a hand rubbing my back. It wasn't Keefe but I didn't really care. After I finished throwing up I turned around and hugged the person. Turns out it was Biana. I cried into her shoulder.

After a little while she picked me up. I clung to her. She started walking. We arrived in the living room and she set me down on the couch. Linh wrapped me in a hug. I just cling to her. I then rated blood. I was about to say something but everything went black.

Linh POV

I hugged Sophie as soon as Biana set her down. After a little bit she went limp in my arms. I looked at her. She seemed to be sleeping. Her mouth opened slightly and blood dripped out. I gasped and started to shake Sophie. I soon realized that Sophie passed out. "Call Elwin, something's wrong with Sophie." I said calmly despite my internal panic. I then heard Elwin being called.

Elwin got there not much later and started treating Sophie. I hailed Tam. He picked up. "What's up sis?" He asked. "Could you get Dex and come to Havenfield?" I asked trying to stay calm. "Sure, but is something wrong?" He asked probably noticing the slight panic in my features. I nodded. "All be there soon." He said before hanging up.

I sighed. I then walked over to the two others. Elwin then walked over. He sighed. "I need you all to stay calm. When Sophie wakes she is going to need it." He said. "Is something wrong with her?" Marella asked. "She lost the baby." Elwin said softly. Biana gasped. She immediately walked over to the sleeping Sophie and sat beside her. I followed behind her.

Not even 5 minutes later I heard a sharp knock. I got up and walked over and opened the door. There stood Tam and Dex. "What happened." Tan demanded. "Come in first then I will explain." I said walking in. I led them into the kitchen. I then turned to them.

I sighed. "Sophie lost her baby." I said as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. Dex gasped and Tam looked angry. "Where is Keefe?" He asked. "He got mad earlier and went up to their room." I said quietly now realizing Keefe didn't know yet. Tan stormed out.


I stormed upstairs. Keefe had gotten angry for some reason but I had a feeling it was because of Sophie and then let her downstairs, and now Sophie had lost her baby. I slammed open the door to Sophie's room. Keefe's head snapped to me. "Get your ass downstairs your girlfriend just lost her baby." I demanded. Keefe looked at me with shock. He then ran past me downstairs.

I followed. Suddenly a screaming match started. Everyone was yelling except for me. I then saw Sophie twist. She groaned and sat up. I walked over. I grabbed her hands. "Sophie look at me." She looked up at me and her eyes met mine. "Sophie...you had a miscarriage." I said softly. No one had noticed Sophie yet. Her face showed shock but slowly morphed into something I recognized as heartbreak.

He head dropped onto to her knees which were know up against her chest. She then screamed a heartbreaking scream. Everyone stopped yelling. Keefe ran over and pulled Sophie into his arms. She started sobbing. The rest of the day was a blur. We had to tell everyone. As I was about to leave I saw Keefe carry Sophie upstairs. She hadn't let go of him all day.

Today was not a good day.

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