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No one POV

Two months later

No one was happy that Sophie was gone, but they had all adjusted to it. Well almost everyone. Keefe missed Sophie with every bone in his body. He still cried over her multiple times a week. Sophie missed him if not the same more than he missed her.

At just around two months after her leave Sophie started to not feel to great. She no longer felt good. It wasn't bad at first. She went for months like this. She never told anyone. She had gotten a job in New York City and was functioning like a human. Other than the fact that she got maybe an hour of sleep a week.

1 year and 5 months had passed. It was now December and she had been away from everyone for more than a year and a half. She finally made some friends.

Sophie's POV

December 20th

"Hey." I greeted my new friend. She was new at the cafe I worked at and we immediately clicked as coworkers and friends. "Hey." She said without even looking up from the table she was cleaning. "Oh yeah, Sophie have you seen Melissa?" Katie asked me. "I don't think so why?" I asked. "She was supposed to come in for the morning shift but didn't." Katie said. I smirked. "You thinking what I'm thinking." I asked. "She got fucked." We both said at the same time. We both then burst out laughing. We were the only ones in the cafe so we could talk about anything we wanted.

We were both 17, and what do you expect out of teenagers other than drama. We chatted until our first customer came in and then we were both busy the rest of the evening until we were done with our shift and were closing up the cafe.

"Do you want to come over tonight?" I asked Katie. "Sure, I just need to grab some stuff from home first." She responded. We both got into our separate cars and she drove off to her house and  I drove off to go to my apartment. I still had a ton of money, but I didn't want it to seem suspicious that a 17 year old had millions of dollars. So I had just rented a medium sized apartment.

I had changed a lot since I ran away. I grew up and looked a lot more mature. I was also no longer clumsy, and I actually enjoyed wearing skirts, dresses and heels now. I missed everyone don't get me wrong, but I really enjoyed how I am right now. I kept up with what happened with the Lost Cities and the Neverseen got caught and everyone was safe once again, but I still didn't return. I had friends and I wasn't looked at like a werdio or anything so I stayed.

I really missed Keefe and his goofy smirk. I realized about 3 months after I left the Lost Cities that  I loved him. I wish I could see him and tell him but I doubt after all this time he would still love me.

I arrived back at my apartment and cleaned up a little bit. It wasn't really a mess but there was some dirty dishes in the sink and some clothes on the floor. Katie arrived maybe 30 minutes later. I had just finished cleaning up when Katie arrived so it had been perfect timing.

"Sorry I would have been here sooner but my mom stopped me at the door and told me to do something." Katie said. "Excuses excuses. I'm joking it's fine." We just hung out, made dinner and watched a movie. 

I tried to distract myself, but my mind just kept drifting back to Keefe. I really really missed him.

Katie's POV

We were playing a game on Sophie's PlayStation when I started to hear her sniffling. I looked over to see her crying. Sophie never cried so something must have been super wrong. I took her controller out of her hand and paused the game before sitting in front of her. "Sophie what's wrong?" She didn't answer but started to cry harder.

I pulled her into a hug. "Shh it's okay." She grabbed onto me tightly and buried her face in my chest. I started to finger brush her hair. Her hair had gotten pretty long since she first moved here. It took about 20 minutes but she finally calmed down and loosened her grip on me.

She then started to explain. She told me about her friend named Keefe, which honestly sounded elvin but I didn't say anything as she would think I was insane. She then explained how she really missed him and only after she had moved did she realize she liked him.

"Why don't you call him?" I asked. "He probably hates me after I left without telling him." She said. "You don't know until you try." I said. "I guess I'll try."  She went over to her bag and pulled out a device. I got a better glance at it as she walked past, and was shocked. "Wait is that an imparter?!" I asked. She froze. "You know what this is?!" She exclaimed. "Wait..." I said "Are you an elf!?" We both asked at the same time. We both covered our mouths.

I stood up quickly and ran over and hugged her tightly. She hugged back. "I can't believe it." I said. "I never thought I would see another elf my entire life." I said while hugging her tightly.

Sophie POV

Katie was an elf. I was so shocked. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. We connected that night. Keefe was completely forgotten.

We found out 3 days later that we were twins. I had gotten suspicious when we figured out that we were both elves because we both looked closely alike. I learned her past and she learned mine. We decided that we would spend one more year in the forbidden cities before we went back to the Lost Cities.

Authors note

I didn't really know where this chapter was going originally but I think it turned out okay. If you think their is anything that I should change put it in the comments. Bye see you in the next chapter.

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