chapter one

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Y/N pov

I was sitting at my desk with my cup of coffee in my hand. I stared at the image on my computer screen while I take a sip of coffee. The image was the newest media we found of the old show welcome home. The image depicted Wally Darling, the main character of the show, on an old picture book with a paint brush in his hand. He was stareing at the view with his usual cat like smile.

'This is nothing new, just some old picture for an old book.' I thought to myself. I clicked off the image and stared to send an email to the restoration team, asking them if they had any new information on the picture book. I leaned back in my chair as I wait for them to respond. I take another sip of coffee when the restoration team sent me another image. I almost choked on my coffee as I looked at the image they sent me.

I looked at the image as I coughed and tried to catch my breath. It was a pair of eyes staring back at me, not blinking and unmoving. I catched my breath as I looked at the image for a few moments. "Well that woke me up." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the image. I felt a sense of uneasiness as I looked at the pair of eyes. I scrolled away from the image as I start to read what the restoration team sent."

We are unsure of what this image is supposed to be or why it was in the show. We found it on a lost tape of the show. The image was shown for about 20 seconds before the episode continued, our team has sent the lost tape to your office. Our team is still unsure what episode it was supposed to be, but we assume it was either episode 6 or 7 from what we know.

I closed out the email and take a deep breath. 'That's great, another tape to watch.' I thought to myself before I hear a knock on my office door. "Come in." I say as I looked at the door, it opened to show Madison, the newest member of the restoration team, with a tape in her hand and also a picture of sorts.

"I have the tape from the restoration team, also a picture that we had found when we came across the episode." She said while she walked up to my desk.
"Thank you, you can put it on my desk and I shall look over it." Madison nodded, she put the picture and tape on my desk before she look back at me "Also I would like to warn you that the episode was very laggy and glitchy for us." I looked back up at her "Well I will be sure to get as much information I can out of it." I say while I pick up the tape.

She nodded her head again before leaving my office. I examined the tape closely, it looked damaged and old, what else would I expect. The show was made around the 1970s, so it wasn't to surprising that the tape looked old and damaged. I put the tape down and then I picked up the picture, it was of all the characters of the show. It seemed to be an advertisement of the show from what I could tell. There was a small summery of what the show was about and the characters in it with a brief description of their character and personality.

I put the picture down and pick up the tape again, I looked at it again. There was a price of paper on the back of it, a faded title was show on it. From what I could make out it read "From the past". I shurgged it off and moved over to my VCR to play the tape, I put the tape in it and the episode started to play.

It stared to play the theme song, it was quite catchy I have to admit. The theme song stopped and the camera moved to Julie and Sally playing hopscotch Infront of Julie's house. The two were laughing while they played hopscotch.
Sally waved at the viewer with a large smile. 'Ok this is new, normally wally is the first one to be shown in the episode.' I thought as I continued to watch the episode. The two girls continued to play hopscotch with happy go lucky music playing in the background. After a few seconds the screen when black, I looked at the screen for a moment before I go to turn off the VCR.

'Maybe they sent me the wrong tape, that might be it?' I though, soon the episode turned back on like nothing happened, but something was off. The two girls looked nervous and scared as they continued to play hopscotch. 'The image hasn't shown up, but this is definitely unusual.' i continue to watch the episode. Then again the screen goes black to show the pair of eyes the restoration team was talking about. "Yep that's not creepy at all." I say quitely to myself as I looked at the pair of eyes. After a few seconds the screen goes completely black.

The theme started to play again but the audio was distorted and glitchy. I felt a chill go down my spine as I hear the distorted song "Ok I have had enough of this, I will finish this episode later."
I say as I moved to take the tape out of the VCR. "You have got to be kidding me..." I say under my breath, the tape was stuck and not coming out of the VCR. I looked back at the black screen as the theme song stopped playing. The screen suddenly turned back on to show wally with his signature cat like smile. He was holding a paint brush and sitting by a easel with a white canvas on it.

"Why hello neighbor!" He said as he looked at the viewer. 'Oh that's weird, what the hell happened to julie and Sally?' I though as I looked at him. He stayed quiet as he continued to stare at me. I felt a creepy uneasiness as I looked back at him. "Hello?" I say as I moved closer to the TV, I waved my hand over the sceen. Wally waved back at me as he continued to stare at me.

"Good to see you neighbor! How was your day?" He said still staring into my soul. I looked at him, I chuckled a bit as I crossed my arms. "Oh it was amazing, I have been just splendid! Just have to watch this stupid tape." I say sarcastically as I looked at him, I can't believe I am talking to the damn TV. "Well I won't call it stupid, it's more like an educational tape if anything!" I looked at him as my smile faded quickly, I stared at the TV with a shocked expression. 'Ok what the actual hell!?' I thought to myself as I continue to look at him.

"Did you not expect me to respond?"
He said while he tilted his head, his eyes still staring into my soul. I stared at him for a few more moments before I take a deep breath. "I'm losing my fucking mind. I really need to get more sleep." I said, I rubbed my face with my hands. "Language neighbor!" Wally said sternly, I moved my hands off my face as I looked at him. 'Ok, perhaps that melatonin before bed was a bad idea. There is no way this minion is taking to me right now.' I thought as I continue to look at him. "Ok, I'm sorry?"

"Great, I forgive you!" He said still smiling. I rubbed my eyes for a moment. "I can't believe this is happening." I say quitely as I looked at wally. He chuckled for a moment before clasping his hands together. "Oh but it is happening!"
He said as his smile got bigger. 'Yeah no shit sherlock.' I take a deep breath. "How the hel- heck are you talking to me?" I said as I moved closer to the TV. "Oh I just wanted to speak to you, in person!" He said as he leaned closer to me.

"Well this is more like face time, not really 'in person'." I say as I crossed my arms. Wally chuckled a bit as he continued to stare at me. "Oh well not in person, yet." "I'm sorry what?" I said before the TV screen turned black again, the tape moved out of the VCR. 'Ok so many questions and no answers!? What happened to julie and Sally? What does he mean by not seeing me in person yet? Why the hell did the restoration team not tell me this would happen?' I thought as I take the tape in my hand.

I put the tape on my desk along with the picture. 'I will come back to this tomorrow, my shift is over anyway.' I walked out of my office with my stuff in hand, my mind was still on the tape I just watched and interacted with. 'It was a hallucination, it had to be. I just need sleep, that's what I need.' I got in my car and drove home, on the drive my mind was still stuck on what happened. "I just need sleep, that is what I need. It was not real all I need is sleep." I said as I take a deep breath.

When I finally got home I quickly rushed inside and made sure to lock my door. I went to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked at the eye bags I had gotten from working so late in night. "I just need sleep, it was just a hallucination from not getting enough sleep, that's all it was." I said as I looked at the mirror, I walked to my bedroom and changed into my favorite f/c pajamas. I got into my bed and under the covers. I looked at the lamp on my nightstand before turning it off.

All I need is sleep

(So this is my first time doing something like this, I do hope yall enjoyed it though! I will try to update the story as much as I can! Remember sleep and eat!)

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