Chapter twelve

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Narrator pov


Frank and Eddie walked into the clearing and everyone jumped out as they did. "Happy anniversary!!' they all screamed.

Frank jumped back into Eddie, causing Eddie to almost fall back. Howdy quickly grabbed Eddies arm to make sure he didn't fall. Frank, poor dear frank, was holding onto Eddie for dear life with one of his hand, his other hand was clutching his chest.

"Good Lord!" Frank yelled as he slowly catches his breath from the scare. "Oops... To much?" Julie asked with a weary smile as she rubbed her chin.

"No I just didn't expect two girls to pop out of no where infront of me," He said gesturing to Sally and Julie. "Or for two others to pop out the trees." He stated while looking away from Sally and Julie to look over at Y/n and Wally.

Y/n let out a nervous laugh. "Ha.. it was Julie's idea-" "ok thow me under the bus." Julie said with a frown. "I already knew Julie did this, also I already know Sally helped her out with it. I really won't expect it form anyone else but these two." Frank said in a matter-of-fact tone. Eddie stood next to him with a raised eyebrow. "And why do you say that?" Eddie asked confused.

"Do you think that wally would do something like this? He would simply hand us a gift and say good day. Y/n would most likely do the something. Poppy would have just given us some backed goods and howdy would just give us a discount or just give us something for free." Frank stated without hesitation.

"I'm not sure if I should be offended or take that as a compliment- but I don't care! Now we have snacks, drinks, games, and everything!" Julie exclaimed. She grabbed Frank and Eddie's arm, pulling them over to the snack bar.

Y/n watched this and chuckled a bit. "She is really enthusiastic huh?" They asked no one in particular. "Definitely but you have to love her for it." Wally said calmly. "Yeah... You have to..." Sally said with a small smile. "True she is a bit much at times but she makes things more fun." Howdy pointed out.

Y/n nodded. "Well I'm sure this won't last long, I think Frank just wants some alone time. I understand that though." They said. "True but they will stay for at least a while. So why not just make the best of it!" Sally exclaimed while she ran over to Frank, Eddie, and Julie.

"Well dears I'm going to get some snacks, I did spend all of yesterday making them so it would be nice to be rewarded for my hard work!" Poppy said with a warm smile. She then made her way to the snack table.

Y/n gave a nod of acknowledgement to Poppy as she walked off. Leaving them, wally and howdy near the entrance of the clearing. "You know what, I could go for some juice." Y/n said before leaving the two men alone to make their way to the snack table.

Once their they could barely even think straight from all the noise. Sally and Julie were rambling with Eddie and Frank about the anniversary. Poppy, poor dear Poppy, was trying to eat her snacks but would be thrown into the conversation before she could take a bite.

It was a bit amusing for Y/n however. They simply grabbed a plate and placed a brownie into it and grabbed a cup of lemonade. After watching the cluster-fuck that was Julie, Sally, Frank, and Eddie trying to make a straight conversation, they felt a eerie presence beside them.

They tried to shake away the feeling, it's just paranoia, they told themselves. The feeling didn't really go away however, it was still there. Suddenly they felt a hand on their shoulder. They jumped back and whipped their head around to see Wally standing there.

"Holy shit! You scared me!" They said as they clutched their chest. Wally frowned slightly before speaking up. "Language, neighbor." He said with a threatening undertone. Y/n cleared their throat and nodded. "Sorry... I just wasn't expecting you, that's all." They said apologetically.

"It's ok, dear, just think about what you say before you say it." He said cheerfully. Even though five seconds ago it looked like he would kill Y/n just for saying shit. How odd, don't you think...

"Ah ok, I promise." They said. They took a sip of lemonade and sighed. "Is something nothing you, dear?" Wally asked with a worried expression on his face. "No! No no no, I'm just lost in thought! That's all."

"Hm if you say so." Wally said a bit unconvinced by what Y/n was saying. "Look.. I'm going to be honest with you, can I do that?" Y/n turned to wally with a serious expression. Wally nodded. "Of course, you can speak as freely as you want."

"I just.. feel like something is off, not bad just off. I've been forgetting more things and I know I'm supposed to be trying to do something I just don't know what." Y/n sighed. Oh how crazy they must sound. To them if felt like they were going insane.

Wally stared blankly at them. If felt... Ominous almost. "It's probably nothing. Just something you forgot that was not important." He said dismissively as if nothing Y/n had just said mattered.

"But I know it was important! That's the thing. I know I needed to asked someone something I just can't remember who or what I needed to ask them." They tried to explain but wally still dismissed it. "Trust me, I forgot a lot of things, most of the time they are just small things that are not important. So, I'm sure that whatever you are trying to to remember, just needs to stay forgotten." He said calmly, a bit to calmly.

Stay forgotten?

Now that doesn't make any sense, now dose it?

They stared at wally, a bit dumbfounded by what he was saying to them. "But.. if I can't remember it how do I know it needs to stay forgotten! All I know is that I need to remember it." They stated a bit too firmly.

Wally sighed and looked back at them. "Just drop it, everything will work out in the end." He said harshly. "But-" "Y/n! I need you opinion on something." Julie interrupted Y/n and they sighed.

"What is it Julie?" They asked a bit annoyed. "Ok is a burrito a sandwich? Because the classification of the sandwich is meat is in between a dough, like bread or tortilla. So with that technically make a burrito sandwich?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

"What?" Y/n asked confused. "I guess it would -" "Ha! Sally I was right! I knew it!" Julie exclaimed as she ran back into the circle of people... Puppets. Puppets... That's not right, they should be humans at least thats what Y/n was.. right?

They froze for a second before slowly looking down at their hand. It had the color of their skin tone but.. it was more like felt than skin. That's not right, that can't be right! They dropped the cup of lemonade that were holding, causing it to spill in the glass below their feet.

They looked down at the ground. Why was the grass so bright? Why was everything so bright? Their clothes looked brighter. Their friends and neighbors... The colors here are too bright.

They rubbed their cheek with their hand with a blank expression. They felt cold. Too cold. They moved their hand to their neck, their pulse! They have to have a pulse, right?

Why don't they have one?

(Hello again! It's been a bit too long. Well I do actually have an excuse for that, IM MAKING A NEW FAN FIC! not an x reader one though. I already have the first chapter out! It's called "For the Future" it's a swapped RF au. Instead of Ophelia dieing, her dad actually died. It's still a work in progress but I still think it's good. So if you are interested, please go check it out!)

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