Chapter two

392 13 8

Y/N pov

I woke up the next morning after a long night of sleep, it was definitely what I needed. I sat up in my bed and stretch out my limbs. I stepped off of my bed and headed to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror with a sigh. 'Just as I thought, every is the same. So it must have been a weird hallucination...' I think to myself while I start to get ready for work.

I put on my work clothes then I grabbed my keys, phone and key card. While I walked out to my car I take out my phone, nothing out of the usual. The same news that they show everyday. Getting into my car, I looked around very intently just in case there was something out of the ordinary. Thankfully it was all normal. 'Ok now I'm just being paranoid, nothing is wrong it's just my imagination that got the best of me.'

I start my car and began my drive to work. I turned on the radio and started to listen to some random music that was on. 'Ok just take a breath, everything is ok and fine.' I think to myself. I continued my drive to my office building without any inconveniences. I parked my car and made my way inside. After I scanned my key card i made my way to my office. Upon walking in I saw a small note on my desk. 'oh a note? I guess the team didn't want to send an email or something?' I walked up and picked up the note.

Dear MX. Y/N
This might be short notice but the team has decided that you are the lucky one to visit the studio of the show 'Welcome home'. The detections are below this letter. We apologize for the short notice but we hope you can find more post media for us to analyze!

I looked under the note and saw the detections. 'Well at least I can get some exercise.' I sighed and walked out of my office and made my way to my car. I sat in my car and typed the detections in my phone. It wasn't that close if you ask me, 46 minutes. But I don't complain, at least not to much.

The way there was not to bad, no traffic, no stupid drivers and no one being an ass. After I finally got the studio, I parked in the parking lot. I got out of my car and looked at it, it was very old and damaged. What would you expect though, it was abandoned in the late 19s. The building was withered and the paint was very faint. Upon walking in the studio I saw old film equipment, old sets and just old things in general.

I walked through a door away and into the main filming area. It seemed that everything in this building was old except for one thing, the main set. The set were the show was filmed. It looks brand new, perhaps it was just made with strong material? I walked up to it and looked at the houses. I moved to the middle of the set, the set it self was not small at all. In the middle of the set was Home, Wally's living house. It's eyes looked as if it was staring at me, judging me, analyzing every little thing about me. It sent a shiver down my spine, I tried to ignore it and I opened the door.

The house was actually very nice, nothing out of the ordinary. I walked in the house which opened to a living room and an open doorway on the left that lead into a kitchen. A red couch was seen with a old looking TV. The wall behind the couch there was a door. I walked up to the door and tried opening it but the door was locked. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. It was look pretty modern for the time period of the show. A new looking stove and a fridge next to the stove. A kitchen island with some stools next to it. On the island there was a bowl of apples, just apples.

I walked up to the counter that was next to the stove. On the counter was a small picture frame with a picture of the cast Infront of home. I turned around and walked to the kitchen island and picked up one of the apples. I examined it and saw it was still good, it was still hard and not squishy. 'well this is kinda weird.' I thought before I placed the apple back into the bowl. I took out of my phone from my pocket. I took a few pictures of the kitchen and livingroom. I walked to the TV and noticed a small coffee table in front of the couch with a single key.

The key looked a bit older then the other stuff in the house. I picked it up and examined it. The key was pretty normal looking except for an X on the head of the key. I turned my attention back the locked door on the wall behind the couch. I walked up to it and put the key in the key hole and turns it. I heard a small click when I turn the key. When the door was unlocked I open it and was met with a small bedroom with a bathroom attached to it. I walked in the door then-


I quickly turned around and saw the front door was now closed. I ran over to it and tried to open it, it was lock. "Shit!" I yelled while I continue desperately trying to open it. I banged on the door trying to bust it down to no avail. I slowly stepped away from the door and saw homes eyes staring at me. I wouldn't be that scared if it wasn't for the fact that the eyes blinked.

My heart dropped into the pot of my stomach. I took a step back while I stared into the eyes of Home. Their eyes judging me and analyzing every inch of me. My body was frozen with fear for a moment untill something hit the side of my head. I fell to the floor with a loud thud. My head was pounding with pain and my eyes felt heavy. I could hear was footsteps getting closer to me before I passed out.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! It was a bit shorter then I wanted it to be but I have no motivation or any ideas 😭. But I assure you the next chapter will be longer then this one! Hopefully at least.

Words: 1136

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