Chapter three

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Y/N pov

I have no idea how long I have been here, I just woke up not even two minutes ago. It was quite a shock when I woke up in my bedroom but something was off. It was to bright. The colors of my room were brighter then usual, the colors almost looked to fake. I got up from my bed and walked up to the small desk in my room. Nothing was out of place or looked different besides the brighter colors on everything around me. I sighed I rubbed my head. 'God I feel like I'm having the worst hang over of my life..' I think to myself while I walked to my bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. 'Who the hell knocked me out, not only that why the hell am I in my house!?' I tapped my fingers on the sink while I stared at myself in the mirror. My thoughts were interrupted by knocking on my door. I sighed then walked over to my front door. When I opened it my eyes go wide. Wally, Wally darling was at my fucking door "Good morning neighbor!" He said with his unblinking eyes that stared into my soul. I stared at him, or more like up at him. He was only a few inches taller than me which was a bit more shocking then anything else.

I looked him up and down for a second. "Good morning..?" I say slightly confused. "My deepest apologies if I woke you up, I just couldn't wait to meet the new neighbor! I'm Wally Darling by the way!" He said with a happy tone, yet he look like he was still staring into my soul. "Yeah it's ok you didn't wake me up." I say with a calm tone even though on the inside I was very confused and not only that my head still hurt like hell. "Ok that's a relief now I would recommend you get dressed. I'll be giving you a tour of the neighborhood!" Before I could reply he was gone.

I sighed and walked to my bedroom, I opened my closet and- "What the hell happened to my clothes!?" I stare in shock at the colorful clothes Infront of me. Now don't get me wrong I love any kind of clothes but this was too much! It looks like a rainbow threw up on all of my clothes. "Well I guess I'll have to work with this." I huffed while I rummage through the rainbow barf clothes that were now in my closet.

I soon found a cute pair of blue jeans pants with some rainbow patches, a rainbow sweater and white shoes. It could have been better but it was the best I could do. I put the outfit on and did my normal morning routine. I finished getting ready and walked back to my front door. Wally was there waiting for me, still smiling and not blinking. If I'm being honest it's terrifying to see it. I shake away the creepy feeling and stood next to him. "You look lovely neighbor, actually I didn't catch your name?" I glanced back at him. "Oh it's Y/N."

Wally smiled and nodded. "Lovely name, anywho follow me!" He said before he started walking down a gravel path. This is the first time I got to look around my house. It looked to be in the woods with a single gravel path which I would assume lead to the main neighborhood. The path was not that short, it was quit long actually. It was long enough so that if you wanted to see my house you would have to really look for it. Soon enough the two of us finally made it out of the woods and into the main neighborhood.

The path was behind a red house with a white roof. There was a red heart shaped tree behind the house. The gravel path ended by the trees and if you weren't looking you would miss the path entirely. Me and Wally made out way to the main yellow brick path that went around the neighborhood. We stopped Infront of the red house with the white roof. "This is Julies house, she is very energetic but I'm sure the two of you will get along very well." He said while he walked up to the house and I followed quickly behind him. He knocked on the door and took a small step back.

We heard some banging around untill the door flew open. There was a blonde girl with horns on her head, her skin was light pink and she wore a red dress with a white belt and a small yellow neck tie. She looked at the two of us with a large smile. "Heya Wally, heya... wait do I know you?" She said with a high pitched voice while she pointed at me. "Oh well no you don't, I'm Y/N L/N, you're Julie right?" I said with a warm smile.

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