Chapter eleven

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(Italics means it's a dream.)

Narrator pov

Y/n sat up from their couch with a yawn. They rubbed their rubbed their head and sat up, realizing that they were no longer on their comfortable couch but instead on a hard wood floor.

They let their eyes adjust to the to the darkness of the room and they appeared to be in a empty room. They slowly stood up but once they did they were met with a pair of jet black eyes.

"What the fuck!?" They yelled as they backed up from the dark eyes.

They blinked a few times to try and see who the person was but the room was still to dark.

"Don't trust him."

A distorted voice called out. It sounded like someone was talking through an old radio.

"He's just lying to you."

The voice called out again. This time it was more clear. It sounded... Familiar?

"You need to get out of here. It's not safe!"

The voice was now clear as day but it almost sounded distance. Like the voice was a far ways away.

"Don't you hear me! You need to wake up!"

"What are you talking about!? Who is 'he'? Why can't I trust him?" Y/n asked confused as they tried to make out the silhouette of the person in the darkness.

"I said WAKE UP!"

Before Y/n could answer the person was gone. "What the hell-"

Y/n quickly sat up on their couch and they cleaned their chest. Their breathing was heavy and they franticly looked around their living room.

Once they calm down their breathing they looked over at the clock that was on the wall.

6:29 AM

'Damn... I'm not up at this hour. Like at all.' they thought. They soon got up and make their way to the kitchen.

"I just need some water. Maybe that would help." They said out loud while grabbing a cup. The sound of water came to life once they turned on the faucet.

They took a long sip of water and sighed. 'Did I take melatonin before I feel asleep? That was sure one hell of a dream- nightmare? Whatever it was, it surely got me up.' They thought to themselves.

Perhaps it was a nightmare. Perhaps it was just a bad vision from taking too much melatonin. But one thing was for sure, who exactly was the 'he' the voice was talking about?

They thought for a moment before brushing it off. Just a weird dream. No deeper meaning..

'maybe the voice ment-'


A sudden bang was heard from Y/ns living room. They quickly ran there to find Julie laying on the ground with Sally trying to help her up.

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