Chapter thirteen

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Why don't they have one?

"Y/n? Are you ok?" Julie asked causing Y/n to snap out of their thoughts. They shot their head up and looked at Julie with a deer in head lights look. Their face was pale and looked almost dead.

"Oh.. yeah. I'm fine, just lost in thought is all." They waved dismissively, which didn't help their case. "Are you sure? You looked like you just saw a ghost?" Julie asked with a concerned expression and she placed her hand on Y/n shoulder.

It was a false comfort to them, it felt real but there was no warmth in it. "I assure you I'm fine. I'm really fine." They said quickly as they pushed Julie's hand off their shoulder. Julie gave them a very concerned look and moved closer. "You know I'm here for you, if something is wrong you can tell me-"

"I'm fine!" They snapped as they moved away from Julie. They stumbled back into the snack table but quickly regained their balance. Julie was slightly shocked and moved back from them slightly. Julie looked at Y/n with more concerned expression than before.

"I'm... I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to snap..." They say as they stood up straight again. Julie's concerned expression was still there but Y/n didn't notice. "I just need some space. Tell Frank and Eddie I'm happy for them and to enjoy the rest of their anniversary." They say quitely before they walked away and to the path that led to the neighborhood and away from the clearing in the woods. Julie tried to call out to them but they didn't listen to her.

What the hell was that?

Was something wrong with them?

What was wrong?

Why did not feel right?

All these questions were going through their head and it made them feel light headed. They quickly made their way to the neighborhood. They walked past howdy bodega. They walked their the middle of the neighborhood and past Home. They still got that same feeling of being watched but they didn't care anymore.

They moved past Julie's house and on to the gravel path to their house. "What the hell is going on..." They say out loud to themselves. After a moment they made it to their house and walked in. They sighed and looked around their livingroom that they walked into.

It looked the same. It felt the same. It smelled the same.

But it wasn't the same

None of this was the same.

It was all different

Too different

They sat down on their couch and sighed. "What the hell is wrong with me.." they say out loud again.

"How amusing.."

A voice called out. Y/n shot up and looked around in a frenzy. "What the heck..?" They mumbled.

"You seem so lost. It's so funny to see."

There it was again, it sounded almost like a distance voice. As if it was coming from far away. "Who the hell are you!?" They yelled into their house to the random voice.

"I'm sure you know who I am. Not by my voice but we have met.. Y/n."

The voice said before it chuckled, a noise that made a chill run down Y/n's spine. They stood up from their couch and looked around. "Ha ha very funny! Now who the hell are you!"

"Oh well if I say that now, what would the fun in that be?"

Y/n narrowed their eyes and slowly scanned their livingroom, trying to see where this voice might be coming from.

"Are you looking for me? How amusing."

The voice said in a mocking manner. Y/n ignored the voice and walked around their living room. Once they couldn't find the voice they moved to their kitchen.

"You won't find me, y/n. I can assure you that."

They sighed and moved through their hallway then into their room. They glanced around again.

"Not will you fine me in there."

Y/n felt their blood boil. Who is this voice? Why is it so infuriating? Where the hell is it coming from? "There were the hell are you!?" They snapped and yelled to the voice in a fit of rage.

"I'll show you. Just go to where I tell you!"

The voice sounded more lively than usual. "Fine." Y/n said reluctantly.

"Perfect. Now go out your house."

Y/n thought for a few seconds but they soon made their way out their room and to their front door. They walked out their house and looked around the woods Infront of their home.

"Now you need to go down that gravel path."

Without hesitation, Y/n followed the voices instructions. They followed the gravel path. They looked around at the trees as they did so. Once they made it out of the woods and into the neighborhood the voice spoke.

"Now walk past Julie's house."

Again without hesitation, they followed the voices instructions. They slowly made their way past Julie's house and looked around. "Now what?" They asked a bit confused.

"Walk to the middle of the neighborhood. And then you can see me, it's that easy."

Y/n was a bit hesitant but they walked to the middle of the neighborhood. 'there is nothing here... except..' They stopped and slowly turned to the one house in the middle of the neighborhood. Home.

"Hello... Y/n."

(OH MY!  What a twist! So merry late Christmas everyone... 😅 But on another note, if you enjoy this story please tell me and if you want to see more of my work  you should definitely check out my other fan fic called "for the future" it's not an x reader but I'm very proud of it! Now have a great day or night or afternoon!)

A short one 😅


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