Chapter four

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Y/N pov

The sun was up and the light hit my eyes. I groaned before I slowly opened up my eyes. I blinked a few times while I sat on the couch I had fallen asleep on. 'I must have fallen asleep while watching TV.' I thought to myself before I got up from my bed and made my way to my kitchen. The kitchen was a bit dirty from last night's dinner. "Hm that's future me's problem." I say while I walked out the kitchen. I made my way back to my room and opened my closet. I stared at the bright, rainbow clothes that now lived in my closet. Glancing around my clothes I found a rainbow jacket and a pair of light blue pants. 'Eh good enough.' I grabbed the clothes and quickly put them on. I made my way back to the living room and sat down on my couch. 'Perhaps I can figure out how to get out of here. Maybe I can talk to Frank and-'

Ring.... Ring.... Ring

I glanced around the living room and saw a old looking rotary phone on the coffee table I had missed before. 'When the hell did I get a rotary phone!?' I thought before I got up picked up the phone. "Hello..?" "Hey Y/N! It's Julie, I just wanted to see if you still were up for that playdate!!"
Oh shit- I forgot about that.
"Oh yeah of course I was just getting ready for it!" I say with a cheerful voice. "Perfect! Sally is here and Poppy is on her way! We are all going to make some baked goods so don't be late!" She said excitedly "Oh trust me Julie I won't be late!" "Great! I'll see you later!" After that she hung up the phone. I put the rotary phone back down and sighed. 'I don't know how long I can on like this. I can be so bright and cheerful all the time!' I shook away the thought and finished getting ready for the playdate.

I soon made it to Julie's house, I was about to knock on her door before the door flew open. I jumped in my skin and my heart felt like it was going a million miles a minute. "Ah Y/N you made it!" Julie said before she grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside her house. She quickly shut the door and pushed me over to the kitchen where I saw Sally and Poppy grabbed some ingredients. "Y/N is finally here!!" Julie said as she bounced up and down next to me. "Oh hello Y/N dear." Poppy said as she held a bowl and mixer. "Oh hello Y/N! Happy to see you again!" Sally said with a smile while she held a carton of eggs. The two of them both wore aprons, Sally's apron had a nice pattern that was made of small suns and clouds. Poppy's apron had a few cookies of the front of it, the apron also look a bit older then Sally's, which made sense for Poppy. Julie ran up to the table and grabbed the two aprons that where on it. She put on one of them which was pink with a rainbow for straps. She threw me the other apron which was F/C with white straps. I smiled and put the apron on before I walked up to Poppy and Sally. "So what are we going to bake?" I asked curiously.

"Well me and Julie wanted to make a five layer cake but Poppy did it would take to much time." Sally said with a dramatic sigh. "Dear a five layer cake is just to much, we should make something more simple and more easier to eat." Poppy said calmly. "Oh come on! Maybe a three layer cake?" Julie asked Poppy with puppy dog eyes. Poppy looked at Julie, she was have a very hard time saying no to Julie. Poppy sighed. "Two layers." "Two and half layers?" Sally asked while she stood next to Julie, the two of them both doing puppy dog eyes to Poppy. "How about we just make cupcakes? It would be easier and also we can give some to the neighbors?" I suggested which made the three of them look at me. "Hmm... I can work with that!" Julie exclaimed while she clapped her hands happily. "Oh cupcakes do sound good! Perhaps we can decorate them for each neighbor!" Sally said excitedly. "Hm that is a very good idea dear." Poppy said with a warm smile.

Sally put down the carton of eggs she was holding on the counter and
Moved to fridge to grab other ingredients. Me and julie grabbed a few recipe books to find some cupcake recipes. After a few minutes Julie found a cupcake recipe that we all really liked. We then started making the cupcakes while me talked about the neighbors and just life in general. Turns out Frank and Eddie are dating, which I find amazing! Also that Poppy knows basically all the gossip about all the neighbors. Which is something I didn't expect but now I know who to go to if I want any information about the neighbors. Poppy also has a small baking business which is great because she makes amazing baked goods! Sally is an actress, well the neighborhood actress. She actually is very good at acting and she also puts on plays for the neighbors every now and then. Julie also is an actress in a way. She likes to act in Sally's plays and she is apparently very good at it as well. Julie also likes to help Poppy make her baked goods and helps Poppy with her small business.

"Ok now we just have to put them in the oven and wait." Sally said before she put the cupcake pan in the oven. She closed the oven door and Julie clapped her hands excitedly. "Ah I can't wait to decorate them! It's going to be so much fun!" She said while bouncing up and down. "Yeah I bet it will be Julie!" I said with a smile "Wait I should get the frosting ready!" Julie said before she ran over to a cabinet. She opened it and her smile faded quickly. "Dang it..." "What's wrong dearest?" Poppy said as she walked next to Julie. "I don't have anymore frosting!" Julie said with a frown. "Julie... You ate all the frosting while we where making the cupcakes.." I said bluntly. "Oh yeah I did!" Julie realized and put her hands on her hips. Sally chuckled and shook her head slightly.

"Well someone has to stay here and look after the cupcakes just in case we don't get back in time!" Julie explained. "Or just one of us can go and get the frosting." Sally suggested. "How about you and Julie go and get the frosting while me and Y/N stay and look after the cupcakes?" Poppy said warmly. "Perfect! Come on Sally, the day isn't getting any younger!" Julie said before she grabbed Sally's hand and rushed out the house. The door slamming behind them. Poppy looked over at me. "Wanna hear some gossip?" She said with a small smirk. I looked at her with a smirk and put my hands on my hips. "I'm interested!" I said as I looked at Poppy. "Great! So... You know how Sally and Julie are very close right?" "Mhm..." "Well I have some suspicions that they have feelings for each other or they are secretly dating." Poppy said while she sat down at one of the chairs next to the kitchen table. "Really now?" I say with a slight smirk. "Hm.. I see it, they actually look really cute together!" "Ah I'm so glad you agree with me dear but also I think that W-"


A loud bang interrupted Poppy, the two of us looked over at the front door to see Sally and Julie with four bags full of frosting. "WE GOT THE FROSTING!" Julie yelled while she ran into the kitchen and put the two bags she was holding on the table. Sally chuckled a bit and set the two bags she was holding by the other bags. "Good lord Julie you scared me!" I said as I put my hand to my chest as my heart was still beating quickly from the scare. "Oops sorry Y/N..." Julie said as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh dear it's ok, just don't burst in the door next time." Poppy said as she put her feather wing on Julie's shoulder. Julie nodded her head. "Ok I promise I won't!" She said before she ran over to the four bags on the kitchen table. "Well we have the frosting and that's all that matters right now!" Julie said as she clapped her hands happily.

"Yes dear you are right." Poppy said as she took the backed goods out of the oven. She placed the cupcakes on the couch while Sally and Julie got the frosting ready. Once the frosting was ready we all started decorating the cupcakes. We made each one personalized for each neighbor. Julie and Sally were laughing with each other and making jokes while me and Poppy talked about the neighbors. Once we finished the cupcakes we put them each in their own box with each neighbors name on them. Me and Poppy were the ones who where in charge of delivering the cupcakes while Sally and Julie cleaned up the kitchen. It was also because I kinda shipped the two together so the more time they have together the better in my opinion!

Me and Poppy made our way out of the house and delivered the cupcakes. I had to deliver Barnaby and Wally's cupcakes and Poppy and to deliver her cupcakes to Frank and Eddie. I knocked on Barnaby's door. After a few moments the door opened to Barnaby with his iconic goofy grin. "Well hey there kiddo! Whatcha need?" "Oh I came to deliver you a cupcake me, Poppy, Sally, and Julie made for the neighbors!" Barnaby smiled and gladly took the cupcake. "Oh why thank you kiddo, that's really sweet of y'all to do! Send my thanks to the others!" I smiled at him and nodded. "Of course, I'll definitely tell them you said that!" Barnaby waved goodbye and then closed his door. I sighed and made my way to Sally's house. And as I thought homes eyes stared at me. I felt a cold chill run down my spine but I walked up to the front door and took a deep breath

I'm just being paranoid right..?

(Hello there! Sorry for not updating the story for so long, I had literally zero motivation but I promise that the next chapter will be much better then this one! Hope you all enjoy this story so far!)


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