Chapter six

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Y/N pov

I made my way back to Julie's house with a small skip in my step. I don't really know why but I suddenly feel really happy. I glanced over to Frank's house to see him and Poppy talking. 'Oh wait I actually need to ask Frank... about.. what was it again? Eh I'll remember it later. I got to Julie's house and walked in. I made my way down the small hall that was Infront of the door. I turned to the right and walked into the kitchen to see icing. Everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE! it was on the counter, the table, THE FUCKING CEILING!? "What the-"
"Y/N!" A voice behind me screamed. I jumped in my skin at the yelling and turned around to see Julie with icing on her apron that she was wearing. The icing was also in her hair and on her face. She held a thing of icing, holding it like it was a gun. "Julie.. what in the world happen!?" I asked completely confused. She quickly put her hand over my mouth. "Shhhh!" Julie pulled me to the ground behind the kitchen island that was in her kitchen. She peaked her head to the side of it before letting out a sigh of relief. "Julie what is going on!?" I whispered yelled to her. "Ok so me and Sally had a small argument and we thought the best way to find out who was right was to have an icing war!" She whispered to me. Ok I've seen things but THIS, this was a while new level of wow for me.

"Icing war..?" I repeated. "Yes icing war-" "Oh Julie, where are you~" Julie quickly got quite as we heard Sally's voice echoing through the house. Julie put her hand over her mouth as we listen to Sally's footsteps. They slowly got closer untill they stopped. "Dearest Julie I know you are in here. Just come out and this will all be over!" Sally said with a sing-song voice. She walked around the kitchen before she walked up to the kitchen island. "Oh dear Julie it's so sad that it had to come to this.." Sally slowly made her way to the kitchen island. She quickly moved behind it and looked to the ground. "Wait wh-" Julie jumped from the side of the kitchen island and shot Sally with the icing. "HA! I hit you 20 times! I am the god of icing war!!!!" I got up from the floor and dusted off the icing that got on my clothes. "Ugh, I was so close..." Sally said as she crossed her arm with a pout in her lip. "Ha! I won! I am the best!" *Julie said as she danced around the kitchen. "I should be surprised by this but frankly I'm not." A voice said. Julie stopped dancing and we all turned to see Poppy in the door way of the kitchen with her wings crossed.

"oh.. Poppy! Heyyyy.." Julie said as she put her hand out to lean on a invisible wall. She quickly fell to the floor with a thump. "Ha not so big and bad now huh!?" Sally said as she chuckled. "Ok let's get all this," Poppy gestured to the kitchen. "Cleaned up." She said while walking into the kitchen next to Sally. Julie quickly got up from the floor and brushed off most of the icing that was on her. "Yeah that would be a good idea Poppy.." julie said while putting down the thing that held the icing on the kitchen island. "Actually how did this all happen if I might ask?" Poppy asked as she raised one of her eyebrows. "Oh me and Julie just had a teeny, tiny disagreement!" Sally stated as she wrapped her arm around Julie's shoulders. "Yeah nothing major!" Julie said confidently. "Not extreme eh?" Poppy questioned as she looked around the icing filled kitchen. "For some reason I'm not buying that." She stared bluntly. Sally cleared her throat and the room fell silent... for all of three seconds. "IT WAS SALLY!" Julie's exclaimed. Sally put her hand on her chest and let out a dramatic gasp. "The rudeness of you! It was you who stared it!" "Well I'm right sooo." Julie said as she crossed her arms. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed. "Ok what were you two even fighting about? Which one loved the other more?" I say jokingly and chuckled. The room went silent and Julie and Sally just stared at me. "I... I was joking. Wait was that actually what you were fighting about!?"

The two of them looked down at the floor and didn't say anything. "Well as adorable as this is, we need to get this mess cleaned up. I don't really think it would be a good idea to let all this icing sit on the table and counter and... ceiling of all places." Poppy said while looking up at the ceiling that was covered in icing, to the point that it was basically half ceiling half icing. Julie sighed and nodded. "Finneeee." She groaned as she grabbed a cloth to clean. "I think we will need a shovel at this point." I say bluntly while I put my hands on my hips. Sally put her index finger on her chin and tapped it. "Well that might actually be a good idea."

-An excruciating 3 hours later-

"Ok that's the last of it.." Julie said with an exhausted expression. She threw away the paper towels with the last bit of icing on it. "I think my arms are going to fall off..." Sally said dramatically while she fell into Julie's arms. Julie chuckled at Sally's actions. I sat down on the chair in the kitchen and sighed. "That actually might not be far from the truth Sally..." I said while I rested my head on the table. "Oh come on now, I know it was a lot of work but at least the kitchen is all clean!" Poppy said happily. I still have no idea how that mama bird has so much energy. "Yeah I guess that's a positive." Sally said as she was still in Julie's arms. "You know what, all this cleaning has got me tired. I'm gonna head home." I say as I got up form the chair and stretched a bit. "Ok bestie, see ya later!" Julie's said with a smile. She dropped Sally on the floor and gave me a hug. Sally groaned and rubbed her head. "Yeah just drop me on the floor, yeah ok." Sally stated as she sat up on the floor. "Oops sorry sal!" Julie's said as she walked over to Sally and helped her up. "Well I'll see you later N/N!"(nickname) Sally said as she hugged me as well. "Hope you rest well little sprout, I'll have a talk with these two before I head home." Poppy stated as she looked over at Sally and Julie with a stern expression. They both chuckled nervously. I nodded and waved them goodbye.

I made my way out Julie's house and walked home. I walked in and yawned. Today was... a day to say the least. I walked into my living room and sat down lazily on my couch. I turned on the TV and started watching it. After a few moments I heard a knock on my door. Oh great.. I grumbled and got up form my couch. I opened the door and saw on one. I glanced down and saw a small gift basket with a card in it. I picked up the basket and brought it in my house, closing the door behind me. I sat back down on my couch and looked in the basket to see a few freshly picked fruits. I smiled, how sweet. I grabbed the card and opened it.

Dear Y/N, L/N.
I hope this card finds you well, I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime this week. I have been wanting to get to know you better and I hope you accept this invitation.

From:Wally Darling
Ps. Hope you like the fruit, frank helped with picking them out!

I smiled as I read the card. It was actually pretty sweet. I put the car back in the basket and decided I would take him up on his invitation. I have only 'hung out' with him once. Not really handing out, more like just small talk but still. I made my way to my bathroom and got ready for bed. I walked back into the living room and grabbed the basket. I walked into the kitchen, I grabbed a bowl and put the fruits in it. It was a mix apples and oranges. Not to bad if I say so myself. I walked out the kitchen, turning off the light and I walked into my bed room. I flopped into bed and quickly fell asleep.

(Ok so I OVER estimated how much writers block I would have. I kind you not I just wrote all of this in one shot today. I guess reading other fan fics gave me more motivation then I thought lol. But I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! Also thank you all so much for 100+ reads!!! I'm literally so happy rn!!! Hope you all sleep well or have a good day, when ever you are reading this!)


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