Chapter seven

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Y/N pov

The day after the infamous 'icing war' that Julie and Sally had, I decided to have a quiet day to myself. I even got a small cup of F/N with a small dessert. I was in my room sitting down on my bed reading a book I haven't read that I found on my book shelf. The sun was shining and it was a truly beautiful sight. The sunlight shines through my curtains mmand made my room have a warm and calming feeling to it.

It had been a few minutes of reading before I heard a knock at my door. Perfect. I reluctantly left the warmth of my bed, placing my book on the bed while I stood up. I made my way to the front door. "Who is it?" I asked. No answer. I cracked the door open before the door was pushed open by the person on the other end. I was knocked back and stumbled on my feet. I looked at the person who basically just matched into my house and was met with Julie's smiling face. A bit bigger than usual.

"Y/N!!! I have news!! I have amazing news!!" Julie exclaimed while she grabbed my hands and started jumping up and down. Her smile never faltered and I had to wonder if it was hurting because of how much she was smiling.
"Ok Julie, calm down and just tell me what the news are." I pat her on the shoulders and tried to calm her down.

She nodded and took a deep breath to control her breathing. "Ok.. I'm calm." She said with a much calmer time than before. I took my hands off her shoulders. She took a deep breath before she started talking. "Ok so the news is that Eddie and Frank's anniversary soon! Me and the other neighbors want to give them the best gift for their anniversary and we want you to help us with it!!" She said and started to get really excited while talking about the idea.

"Oh and what ideas do y'all have for their anniversary? Also how long have they been married?" I asked her, which it made her more excited. "Ok ok ok!! So they have been married for like 4 years now, well after their anniversary they will be married for 4 years!! But all the neighbors want to have a celebration for them! With snacks, games, also a lot of cake, I mean A LOT of cake!!"

I smiled as Julie spoke so happily about the married couple. It was honestly very sweet to hear, I have heard of happy couple before but the way she was talking about them you would have thought they were the best couple in the neighborhood. I mean they were the only couple but that's besides the point.

"Well if that's the case what shall you like me to do to help with this whole celebration?" I asked with a smile on my face. Julie grabbed my hand and looked serious, like dead serious. "I need you to the most important job. If this is not done right it will COMPLETELY ruin the whole party..." She said in a way I have never heard her speak before. "You get to make the decorations!" She exclaimed in her normal, squeaky voice again.

"Ah... I see." Was all I said. Honestly with the way she was talking I would have thought she wanted me to murder someone. "So when do you need me to start with the decorations?" I asked while Julie let go of my hand. She placed her finger on her chin with a thoughtful expression. "Hm. Well I'll ask wally when he wants to start- oh right, you two are making the decorations together! I think I forgot to mention that."

I sighed and nodded. "You did, but that's ok I needed to ask him something anyway." "Oh really? What was it?" She asked while tilting her head in a child like movement. "Oh it was... Was... Huh. I forgot again. That's ok I'll think about it once I see him!" I say while I smiled at Julie. She nodded and wished me a good day before walking out of my house.

Once the door closed behind her my mind started racing. I know I needed to ask him something but I can't remember what it was. Wait.. was it him or Frank? Many it was howdy? Did I need groceries again? I know I'm not crazy, I just need to remember. But I just can't!

While my mind was racing I subconsciously walked into my kitchen. I looked around and saw the bowl of fruits and remember the gift basket he gave me. It was super sweet of him, out of the blue but still sweet. I picked up a fruit, coincidentally it was a bright red apple. You know... These fruits look quit bright. I mena that's normal for this town. Bright colors everywhere. Literally. The sky was bright blue, the grass almost a neon green. Hell even the clothes the neighbors wore were bright. I haven't really noticed how bright this place was.. it almost didn't seem real.

I was quickly taken out of my thoughts to knocking on my door. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and walked to the door. Once I opened it I was met with Wally. His usually clothing was also brighter than I remember. His smile still made him look like a cat. "Hello neighbor, are you ready to start the decorations?" He asked in a calm, monotone voice.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yep I am!" Kept his smile up, it almost looked like it got bigger. "Great, now let's get going. I have all the art supplies we will need." He said while holding out his hand for me to take. I hesitated for a moment before I took it.

"Ok then, let's get going." I say with a smile. I don't know why but I feel as if I'm forgetting something... Something important. It's on the top of my tongue but I just can't get it into words. Oh whatever, it was probably nothing important.

Me and Wally made out way to his house, or more like we made our way to Home. It still sends chills down my spine when I see them. I don't know why but something about how life life they are and how they can speak, only wally can understand them however. It's not even speaking words in a different language. It's more like Morse code if you ask me.

After getting to Home I locked eyes with them again. I swear they can see into my soul. Everything about them just gives me the creeps for no reason. Wally opened the door for me and I walked in side.

Nothing bad will happen....

(Hello again!!! And yes I'm not dead, not yet. But I don't have anything to say other than I hope you are enjoying the story!)


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