Chapter nine

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Narrator pov

Home was quite as Y/N sat alone on the couch. It wasn't peaceful, even with the lack of noise. If anything that just made it even worse. They could still feel as though someone or something was watching them. Judging them.

They looked up form there hands and looked around Wally's living room. Nothing out of place, everything was in its perfect place. It almost looked... Unreal and fake. Their eyes moved over little thing in the livingroom, analyzing every knick knack they could see.

The paintings on the wall, the flower pit on the coffee table, the key right next to the flower pot- they stopped looking around. Their eyes now glued to a single key on the coffee table.

It looked like it was meant to be there. It was perfectly placed and it was perfectly angled. It was unlike any key they have seen before. It was a key with an X shape on the head of the key. It looked it was stareing at them, asking, begging them to pick it up.

They soon complied to the keys alluring pull and picked it up. They held it by the base and stared at the X on the head of the key. They knew they shouldn't be nosy. It was Wally's house and not theirs but they couldn't deny that they were curious. Very curious.

They moved off the couch with the key in their hand. They soon herd footsteps and without thinking they shoved the key in their pockets. They turned to see Wally walking into the livingroom form the hallway.

"How are you feeling, dear? Do you feel any better?" He asked with a concerned expression but with a smile still prominent on his lips. They nodded. "Yes. I'm fine, I am way better then I was before!" They said with a slight smile on their face.

Wally seemed to calm down, he looked less concerned and more calmer. "That's great to hear. I was worried for a moment. Are you good enough to start making the banner again?" He asked. Y/N smiled and nodded their head. "Yes I believe I am. I'll be right there!" They said in a cheerful tone. Wally nodded and moved back to the art room.

Their smile left their face as he left the livingroom. They were anything but ok. They were confused, scared and anxious. They know they need to remember something. The swirls and spirals they saw on the painting made something click in their brain but they still didn't know what.

The took the key out of their pocket and stared at it. Soon they heard a small creak behind them. They turned and saw Homes eyes stareing at them. They were unblinking and they held a hard glare. Y/N felt their heart stop as they stared at home. It was like the two were having a stareing contest but more intense and more terrifying then normal.

The slowly put the key in their picking again, with out breaking eye contact. Home broke eye contact and stared at the key Y/N was putting in their pocket. They then looked back to Y/N.

They kept a unfazed expression but on the inside they felt their heart pounding in their chest. They felt like something bad was going to happen but they shook away the feeling.

"What?" They said in a calm tone. Home continued to stare at them. No creaks, no squeaks and no thumping from Home could be heard. After a moment of silence Y/N moved into the art room.

They saw Wally sitting on his stool with a paint brush in his hand, the other holding a paint pallet. He didn't look at them, he seemed to be very focused on painting. They didn't try to make conversation so they grabbed a large sheet of paper. They laid it out on the desk that was in the art room and they started to draw on it.

They kept their mind focused on what they were drawing and made sure nothing... Weird would happen again. The room was silent besides the sound of a marker on paper and a paint brush on a canvas.

Two hours later

Y/N had soon finished their banner. It was very colorful, every color of the rainbow. It said 'happy anniversary!' with both a Eddie and Frank under the title, holding hands with smiles on their faces. It looked slightly childish but they thought it was perfect.

They didn't notice wally behind them looking at the painting as well. "You are quit the artist, dear." He said from behind them. Y/N jumped in their skin and turned around. "Oh! Yeah, thanks." They said before looking down at the banner again.

"No problem..." Wally said as he put a hand on their shoulder. They glanced at his hand on their shoulder. "Well did you finish your painting?" They asked trying to ignore his touch. He smiled more and took his hand off their shoulder. "Oh yes I did. Would you like to see it?"

They nodded and Wally led them over to the easel. They looked at the painting in awe. It was a painting of both Eddie and Frank in suits. They were holding hands with the happiest smiled on their faces. The background looked like a flower garden and the sky was as blue as the ocean.

"Wow..." Was all Y/N was able to get out. "It's good, right?" Wally said with a slight cocky face. "Yeah! It is! It looks so real, almost like it's a picture of them!" They said with a look of amazement on their face. "Why thank you, dear. You are too sweet." He said while he placed his hand on their shoulder again.

They smiled and looked at him. "No seriously, this is amazing!" They said while they still stared at the painting. Wally kept his hand on their shoulder and looked at the painting as well. "You truly are so sweet." He gave Y/Ns shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting it go.

"But I must say both of our artworks are beautiful. I think the neighbors will just love them." Wally stated while he took the painting off the easel and placed it on the wall with the others.

Y/N watched him as he did this and saw that the spiral painting was nowhere to be seen. It was just... Gone. They pushed this realization to the back of their head and smiled. "Yes I believe they will all love it." They said with a cheerful tone.

"Shall I call Julie and tell her the artworks are ready?" They asked while Wally walked up to them. "Hm we still need to make more decisions for the event. I was thinking of some more... Floral aspects could be added to the decorations."

"Oh yes I agree! Maybe even some fake butterflies, since Frank loves them so much." Y/N said while they grabbed a pair of scissors. Wally smiled and nodded. "That's a good idea, darling." He said while he also grabbed a pair of scissors.

(Hello there! Two chapters in less than a week! Im actually impressed with myself. Maybe it's that weekend motivation kicking in! Anyways, I hope you have a good day or night, when ever you are reading this!)


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