Chapter five

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I'm just being paranoid right..?

Y/N pov

I wait for a while before wally opened the door. He still had his same smile, he was still wearing his usual attire with his hair still pristine. I do wonder how much hair gel and hairspray the man uses. "Hello neighbor, how may I help you..?" He asked, his hands behind his back.

"Oh well me and the girls made everyone in the neighborhood some cupcakes. I was wondering if you would like to have one, we made them specifically for each neighbor!" I said as I held up the small box with the cupcake in it. "Hm I don't see why not." He said calmly before he took the small box with the cupcake in it out of my hands.

"By the way, I just made some tea and wanted to see if you wanted some?" He said with his cat-like smile still plastered on his face. He seemed... 'innocent' enough. "Oh sure, but I can't stay for to long, I still need to go back to Julie's house to help clean up." I said with a slight smile.

He led me inside and he made his way into the kitchen. I glanced around the house and it looked the same from the last time I was there, it sent chills down my spine. I hesitantly walked to the couch, my eyes wondered to the door on the wall behind the couch. I stared at it for a long moment before I sat down on the couch.

After a few more minutes wally walked out with two cups of tea. He handed me one of the cups of tea. "So how have you been.. neighbor?" He asked while he sat down on the couch next to me with his legs crossed. "I have been good wally, what about you?" I took a sip of the tea, it wasn't that bad actually. It was warm and comforting. It made me feel very relaxed, maybe a bit too relaxed.

"Oh I have been just swell Y/N.  Also I would like to thank you again for the cupcake, it was truly sweet of you and the girls to make it for me." He said, his smile more wamr and comforting then before. "Oh no don't thank me, it was Julie's idea to make the cupcakes." I say with a smile, I took another sip of the tea and felt that same warm and comforting feeling that I did before.

"Oh but I must, I can tell you put a lot of effort in them. The others may have helped but I can very much tell that you put in the most effort." He stated while he held his tea in his hand. Weirdly enough he hasn't drank any yet. 'He must not be thirsty at the moment' I thought

I broke out of my thoughts and smiled at Wally. "Oh no no, I wouldn't want to take the other girls credit. They put in a lot of the work as well, I just helped really." I said calmly while I took another sip of tea with that same feeling of warmth going through my body like a hug or a warm embrace. "But again thank you for the tea, but I must get going. I still have to help Julie and Sally with cleaning up. I'm pretty sure they are wondering where I am too."

"Oh.. ok then neighbor." Wally said with a slight frown, well more like a small smile, he couldn't really frown. I got up form the couch and took the last sip of tea. "Well I shall talk to you later Wally." I said with a smile. "Yeah, I will talk to you later neighbor." He said as he also got up form the couch and placed down his cup of tea on the coffee table.

We both made our way to the front door. Wally opened the door for me and I made my way out. "And again thank you for the tea wally!" I said as I started to make my way to Julie's house.

He smiled again and nodded before he walked back in his house. I could still feel eyes stareing I'm the back of my head but I dared not to look behind me.

I already knew home had been listening and watching the whole interaction. Which isn't really that surprising but it's still creepy as hell.

Wally pov

I closed the door behind me and let out a defeated sigh. "You should have been more conversational wally..." Home said or more like creaked, at least that's what it sounded like to everyone else. "I know, I tried at least.. that's good right..?" I asked while I looked down at the ground.

"Trying isn't as good as doing it right, you need to try harder. I brought them here for a reason you know." Home said calmly as if it was normal to just kidnap someone from their own home. I nodded silently, I knew there was no use trying to argue with them.

"Yes, I know." I said solemnly. "Good, I hope you can do your part this time, let's not make another failure." I nodded again and then sat back on the couch. My cup of tea was sitting on the coffee table.

"You did the right thing Wally. I just need more time to get into their head, it won't take long. Then they will be perfect like all the others." Home said bluntly while I still stared at the tea. "But... did I really do the right thing, I-"  "Did I studer? I don't think I did. Now play your part and everything will be fine. Step out of line.." Home said with an evil undertone.

"Yes home I understand." I said while I looked down at my hands. "Good, now as I said before, play your part and everything will be fine." Home repeated. I nodded and then got up form the couch. "Understood." I let out a sigh of defeat as I made my way into the kitchen. I then looked over at a small vial of black liquid on the counter next to a pitcher of tea. "I did the right thing... I hope I did.." I muttered to myself.

(So.. this chapter wasn't as long as I wanted it to be but I was all out of motivation. I know I was kinda gone for... who knows how long! But I'm fine- at least as much as I can be. School has been hell and I was too burnt out to write anything. So chapters will come out when ever they can. But I hope y'all have enjoyed this story so far! If you want to give me any suggestions or any tips on my writing feel free to tell me!)


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