Chapter fourteen

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My eyes stared at the house. Perhaps it was my fear of the way their eyes stared back but I felt weak. 'This can't be real.. it just can't..' I thought. My mind felt foggy as I stared up at those lifeless eyes. Yet they held more life than I would have liked.

"Be not afraid, I can assure you that you will be completely fine my child."

The voice was deep and it sounded like it was coming from a distance. "Why... What...?" I say trying to make a cohesive sentence.

"I know how weird this might be but I can assure you I am only here to help."

I wanted to believe it, that thing. But it was too calming to say the least. How come everything felt so quiet? Wait... I can't hear them.

I snapped my head in the direction of where the party was being held, or at least where it should have been.

"My poor child, it is quite alright! You need not to fear me nor anything here."

I slowly looked back at the House. My heart sped up again while I swallowed down my fear. "Why... Can you talk..."

"That is the least of your worry's child! All you need to know is that as of now, you need to listen."

The voice lowered as if warning me of consequences if I disobeyed. What am I supposed to do!? It's a talking house for crying out loud!! I mean.. I'm literally living, no heart beat, human? Thing? I don't know anymore!!

Reluctantly I nodded my head at the houses demand. It looked happy, well.. I guess you could say it's eyes showed that fact. No other facial expressions could be seen on it.

"Wonderful. Now it's nothing serious. Just a small, tiny, itty bitty thing- I need you to simply stay here. Forever. You know. Never. Leave."

The words came out with an unsettling undertone. I mean, what else would this house want me to do? I can't really leave even if I wanted. I think? If I could I would have been dragged back here, in some way shape or form. "Ok. That's it?"


"Nothing more? Just stay here?"


I stared at the house with slight disbelief. That's all? I mean I'm not complaining too much...? It's not the best thing but not the worst either. I looked over my shoulder back at where the party would have been. They aren't that bad. Julie is nice and super sweet. Sally is pretty good at being dramatic and is pretty good to talk to. Poppy knows some great gossip. Frank and Eddie are just adorable together. And wally.... Is... There.

"Ok..." I looked back at the house. "I agree to these demands. Or favor, whatever you called it.." I say while I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Perfect! Now I know you just found out that your whole life, as of a few weeks ago, has been a lie. Don't have a heartbeat, you doubt you're even human, which you're not. Well at least anymore."

Home said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Yeah sure, my whole life for a few weeks just came crashing down! My life before was... Was... Wait... What was it like...? I had a mom... No... Just a dad? Maybe... Just a mom? Or both...

I can't remember. Why can't I remember that?

I placed a hand on the side of my head and I think back as far as I could. But.. the last thing I remember is waking up that faithful morning after I moved in. I needed to ask Frank something but I had to make those decorations.

What did I need to ask Frank?

Damn... I can't remember that either!

"Home... Why can't I remember things?"

Why did I asked he house? Don't know. Did I have anyone else to ask at this moment? No. So... Why not.

"Hm... Seems like those memories were just not important, child."

Not important? Knowing my parents isn't important?? I mean the other memories might not have been important but my parents had to be important right? "But... What about my parents? Did I even have any? You said I was human so I had to have parents."

"Well as I said. Not important. Now that's all I had to say, Id recommend you go back the party."

"Wait no! I want answers!" I say firmly. Homes eyes narrowed at me and I felt that I might have upset the damn thing.

"Go back to the party Y/n."

The voice was cold, no warmth in any sense. I hesitantly nodded my head and took a step back. I turned around and glanced at the house one more time before I walked back to the party.

I could still feel their eyes starring holes in the back of my head but I guess I kinda deserved that... Right? I shook that thought out of my head and I quickend my pace.

After a few minutes I was back in the clearing and it seemed like the party was still going on. "Y/n! Oh my- are you ok!?" Julie exclaimed while she grabbed my shoulders. Damn that girl is fast. "Yes! Yes sorry, I just remembered that I needed to... Uh... Get something from home." I say, lying through my teeth.

Julie narrowed her eyes and sighed. "Alright... You had me scared- don't do that again." She said firmly while she gave my shoulders a firm pat. I chuckled nervously while I nodded my head slightly. She smiled while she gripped my arm tightly with both hands.

"Great! Now let's get partying! We didn't do too much while you were away!" She said while pulling to the group of the other neighbors.

Yet... I could still feel eyes on me... And not just my neighbors.

(So... It's been a while 😅. Very sorry for not updating so often. I've been thinking and I think I'm just going to leave this story. I will still be updating "For The Future" but I don't think I'll be doing xreader fics anymore. I just don't think their for me. But thank you to everyone who has enjoyed this story enough to keep reading it after all this time! Fair well!)


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