Chapter VI

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"...You mean I know a guy who can possibly help."

Ember grumbled as Axel showed her into Merlin's home. Axel and Roxas guided her there while Vanitas stayed behind. Despite being cured from her wounds Ember was still sore and had to limp next door to see Merlin sitting in his chair by the table, sipping on some tea. When Merlin noticed everyone's presence he stood to his feet and stroked his beard, staring at everyone curiously.

"Help with what?" He asked.

Ember opened her mouth to explain but Roxas piped in before she could speak. "Someone decided to take on Xehanort and now someone's weapon is broken." Roxas gave her a side eye and she stuck out her tongue in response.

Merlin chuckled with amusement as he approached the trio with a grin. "Well Xehanort's presence here is certainly concerning, but an issue we'll discuss when Sora is back. For now, tell me more about that weapon."

Axel carried the broken blade, holding it towards the older gentlemen for him to get a good look. "Do you think you could use your uh... Wizard magic and fix it?"

Ember coughed. "Sorry about the intrusion Merlin. You've done so much for us already, making a home and allowing us all to stay... But my weapon has been a big part of my life. I usually could fix it myself but-"

"No need to explain." Merlin held a hand up to stop her. "I will handle it."

Merlin didn't even need to grab the weapon from Axel. With a wave of his wand something like a shooting star burst from the tip, blasting into the weapon and causing what seemed like a small explosion in Axel's hands. When Axel didn't yelp in pain Ember stared curiously at the result, waiting for the smoke to clear from his hands. Before long the smoke dissipated and left Axel holding a dazzling weapon in which Ember couldn't tear her eyes from. With a cautious hand she reached out and plucked the weapon from it's handle, lifting it to her face and examined it carefully.

"Due to your lack of magic I curated this specially for you." Merlin said. "This blade is similar to yours in every way, however this one can absorb magical and physical attacks. Would you like to test it outside?"

Ember lifted an eyebrow and followed him outside the house. The weapon was heavy for her sore body, but it never broke her spirit to test it out. She felt the excitement swell inside her body as she stepped outside; it was almost like a birthday present. In the back of her mind she knew it was her birthday, and despite not telling anyone she was going to treat the new weapon as an unintentional birthday gift which made her even more gleeful.

"Axel why don't you shoot a quick fireball or something?" Merlins suggestion snapped Ember back to reality. "And Ember, simply block the attack."

Both did as they were told. With a quick wave of his hand Axel created a fireball that shot towards Ember slowly, when she held it up to block the oncoming attack the blade absorbed the ball right away, causing it to turn red. Ember stared in surprise and listened for Merlin's next instruction;

"Now simply swing it back at him."

Ember slashed the blade as she would a usual enemy, using her body's momentum to assist her with a quick spin. Right at the end of the swing she watched in amazement as the fireball shot back to Axel. Axel quickly stepped out of the way as the fireballs next target was then Roxas who was the innocent bystander. Roxas did not react in time and was greeted with a ball to the face, causing him to yelp as he was thrown to the ground. Axel burst out laughing as Ember bit her bottom lip nervously.

"Sorry Roxas!" She cupped a hand over her mouth.

Laying on his back Roxas replied with a simple thumbs up as he extended an arm up in the air.

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