Part 4

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I was lost in my thought when she spoke again, "What are you thinking? Oh, I see! You're still confused. Just trust me and what I am doing. You'll see the result soon, very soon. You know where are you and what are your members doing?" She asked.

"Yes, please! I want to see them." I felt so impatient.

"No, I can't let you go now. You have to wait for that. Meanwhile, I'll tell you what's going on there." I didn't say anything. So she continued, "You're in a hospital now, laying on the white bed lifelessly with Medical instruments attached to your body. Doctors are confused. They can not find what caused your condition. Your manager is running here and there and making phone calls. And your members... Well, they are feeling guilty. Jungkook is a crying mess. Teahyung is praying to his angels to save you with a serious face. Jimin is blaming his bad mouth and temper for all of this and is trying to calm a crying Hoseok down. Hoseok is saying that he should have taken care of you or talked to you as a friend, not as a dance teacher, continuously. And your leader, Namjoon is on a call with Bang PD, saying that he failed to be a good leader and taking care of you. They are all on their way to the hospital."

"What about Yoongi? Is he not coming?!" I asked curiously.

"Well, no. He's not coming." As she said that I felt sad and disappointed. 'Does he not love me? Is he not sad seeing me hurt? We're roommates for years. I thought he cares about me the most among us.' I felt pain.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"In your dorm. He returned there after others left for the hospital."

"Can you tell me what is he doing?" I asked. Actually, I was worried for Yoongi. He was never like that. 'I know he is very caring but hides it. He loves all of us more than his real family. So why is he acting like he doesn't care?' I was thinking.

"Still worried about him when he doesn't even care about you! I'm disappointed in you, Seokjin!" The lady was making me so mad.

"No! He cares about me! He loves me! You can't blind me with your words!"

"You're blinded by your love for them! So, open your eyes and face the reality! Leave them and live your life freely! They don't deserve you! "

"You know what?! You're not me! You'll never be me! If I created you then it was a mistake! I would never do anything that hurt them like this! It hurts me too! So please stop this! I don't need your help! Just go away from me, my life and them! Please, I'm begging you!" I broke down in tears.

Her expression changed suddenly. She was angry and disappointed. She sighed and said, "Okay! If you don't like me around you, then I'll go away! But if you don't think deeply and go back to them without thinking, you'll regret it. I'm telling you! I'm leaving you alone. I hope you'll get a better life now!" And she disappeared.

I felt severe pain in my head. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

Time passed... I don't know how much... It was dark, so dark. But I didn't feel anything, nothing!



"Jin Hyung! Hyung! Please wake up! Please! You can't leave me like this!" I heard someone cry. I couldn't recognize the voice. It was not clear like I'm under water.

"Please wake up! I promise I'll never be mean to you! I'll do whatever you want! Please come back!" That voice again. But this time someone joined him.

I tried hard to open my eyes. But it was painful. So, I tried hard and with that, I finally opened my eyes. But a flash of white light almost blinded me.

"Doctor! Call the doctor! He is awake! Hyung is awake! Namjoonie Hyung! Where are you?" Someone shouted.

'I know this voice! This angelic voice only belongs to Jimin!' I tried to open my eyes again in the bright light.

I saw our Maknae's face so close to me. He was looking at me like he saw something new. Our eyes met and he smiled with his bunny teeth. 'Oh, I love his smile so much!'

Taehyung was at my left side, holding my palm tightly. After seeing me awake he closed his eyes, not letting my hand go. "Thank you so much, my angels! I knew you were real. Thank you for returning me my Hyung!" He whispered (loud enough). I smiled.

Hokeok was sitting on the sofa near the bed like a statue, looking at me like lost deer! I never saw our sunshine this worried before. No one should ever doubt his love for me. I tried to call him to come near me but could not move a finger.

Then came a running Jimin with Namjoon, who almost tripped on the doormat. My smile got bigger. This is my family.

"Guys, come!" I said in a painful voice because of my dry throat. They didn't waste a minute and almost jumped on me.

"Be careful with him, guys!" Hoseok said but didn't stand up from the sofa. I understood his situation. He was still feeling guilty.

"Jwe-hope, come here!" I said softly.

Tears trails appeared on his cheeks. He hugged me as if his life depended on it.

I enjoyed the hug. I felt loved. But wait... Something is missing! Someone is missing! Yoongi!

"Where is Yoongi?" I asked.

"He's not here," Taehyung said.

"I tried to call him after you woke up. But he didn't receive the call." Namjoon said.

"Don't worry about him now, Hyung! He's at our dorm. We'll get him here later. You, just rest for now!" Hoseok said, patting my head softly. I nodded.

The day passed slowly. Mom and Hyung also came to visit me. Mom cried a lot. My members were there all the time. I didn't know if they even ate anything or not. But Yoongi never showed up there. I became more worried. Did something happen to him?

The next morning, I got discharged because doctors didn't find anything unusual in my tests. I was physically healthy. But they prescribed me a good amount of rest. Manager Hyung cancelled all our schedules for a whole week. Mom wanted to take me home with them. But I wanted to spend time with BTS after what happened in my 'Dream.' To be honest, I wanted to meet Yoongi and talk to him. He made me so worried. Mom didn't agree first but who can ever say no to me?

While you were sleeping (Seokjin's Story)Where stories live. Discover now