Chapter 6: monster

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Later that day

I was in the bathroom, finishing up. When I felt the same deadly pain in my side, I lifted it up, " fuck." It's spreading more, so my body is like the Black Plague attacked it like a leech. And it's burning like multiple stab wounds. I looked to see it spreading to my chest, soon my face and neck. My vision became blurry, my body became heavy. Next thing I know I'm lying on the ground.

Two hours later

No ones pov

Veronica walked in the room, and called out, " Haley? You in here?" She saw a light coming from the bathroom, when she saw a limp hand. She ran over, and opened the door to see the lifeless body of a friend. " Haley." Veronica grabbed out her phone, " Archie i need you up here and brought the first aid kit. It's Haley. She's passed out."

One year later

Friday,May 15,2026

Haley's pov

I woke up gasping for a breath, I heard beeping, I blinked to catch my surroundings, I was in bed, hooked up to a machine, that tracked my heart beat and blood pressure, I saw an iv of red. " the fuck?" I pulled it off and the monitor started to go off, that's when I heard, " easy Haley."

I asked, " Betty? What the hell is going on here? Why am I hooked up to these- wires?" She sat down on the edge of the bed, " you have been out for the last eight hours. And we did manage to postpone things-"

I growled, " Betty, what do you mean postpone?" I looked to see part of it healed, and that's when I knew, " son of a bitch."

" who?" She looked at me, " Chris." I sighed in relief. " Answer me this. Did I die?" Betty kept quiet, " Betty- did I fucking die with vampire blood?" She closed her eyes, " yes." I heard the heart monitor start going off. I pulled the wires, and it flat lined. Getting up, I saw my wound from the iv heal.


I got dressed into something comfier, and saw that I actually had a pair of fangs. I growled smiling, and my eyes aren't a blood red, more like a sclera black. I became paler and had double fangs. 

Downstairs: music room

I had a pair of headphones on listening to a bit of quiet music. And started to read a book of mine.

That's when I heard the door open. I shut everything off, and hid. " Haley? You down here?" It was sweetpea? I just let everything fall through, and next thing I know I got him pinned against the wall. And me choking him. " easy haley." I only heard the best of his heart, it was calm. " That's odd, surprised your calm." I flashed my fangs, "there ya go."

He fled. " Who knew that scaring people would be fun?" Oh wait, I know.

Unknown's pov


U:What Leo?

L: we may have a problem.

U: and what would that be?

L: she is a vampire.

U: how?

L: She is sired to her boyfriend.

U: is that so?

L: yes mamm.

U: set up the signal tower Leo.

L: yes mamm

" you have no idea what you got yourself into Haley. You have no idea." 

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