Chapter 8: things were good, till now...

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June 1,2026

Waking up, today is a somewhat of a good day. Today is my mother's birthday, she was born on June 1,1967 and would have been 59 years old today. It kills me that she's gone still. But, I can say that, I'm just glad she's not suffering anymore. That's when I decided to get dressed, and I am actually thinking this will be a good day.


Living room

I thought I might as well go for a ride today. Might as well, it's nice out, and foggy skies, no sun. What a wonderful day. I smiled, " good morning everyone." I saw Chris, " good morning my handsome devil." I kissed him, then grabbed a monster from the fridge, " you're in a good mood?" I nodded, " yeah. Today's just a good day. And it's foggy out. No sunlight, because the sun and snow is gross."

I heard Chris, " that is true." I told him, " I'll be back later, love you." He smirked, " where are you going?" I replied, " just out for a ride."


I had my jacket, sunglasses, and my Harley. I missed it, I miss driving it.


I saw abandoned streets, a few zombie corpses, nothing new, until I saw this. I slowed down, and saw a red truck, " you gotta be kidding me?" I stopped my bike, grabbed my phone, took a picture of the logo, that's when I heard," off the bike little lady."

I only heard a heartbeat, I took a deep breath, and controlled it. I got off, " who are you?" I kept taking deep breaths, " who are you?" I replied, " Haley." He growled, " Allen." I sighed, taking another deep breath, " what's wrong?" I kept quiet, " follow me."

Inside: abandoned gas station

Luckily for a gas station you don't need to be invited in. So that's all good. " Who's this?" One girl asked, I replied, " Haley." Her eyes changed, I tried to refrain from changing my eyes. " I mean no harm." She looked me up and down, and her eyes went back to normal, " okay, I'm zoey." I replied, " Nice to meet you Zoe."

She asked, " What's that around your neck?" She motioned to my necklace, " oh that's my ring. Due to not wearing much jewelry, I still rather keep it on me." She said, " it's very beautiful." I blushed, " thank you. My fiancé got it for me." She awed, " congrats." I smiled, " thank you."

" Can she stay? Please Edgar?" I replied, " as much as I'd love to. But I should get back to base camp. You're welcome to go with me if you want? There's a couple of us there."

That's when I felt something impale me, " dude? What the hell?" I pulled out the thing that impaled me, " a cross really?" My wound healed, " you're a vampire?" I sighed, " not necessarily." One tried to impale me again, " dude, hear me out. It's a long story. So you want the long or short version?" Zoe said, " short please."

I began to explain, " about a year ago, things went to shit, I had a virus in me, not zombie related I wasn't bitten, more like impaled, so about a year ago, or a few months after that, according to Veronica, I collapsed. And I became so sick, I died. And in order for me to be here, My boyfriend and now fiancé who's a vampire saved my life, and that resulted in me being sired to him."

" that's so romantic." Zoe said, it caused me to blush. " thanks." And after getting questioned a million times, " if you shut up I can explain what I am." They stopped, " I am a vampire, but, the weirder version of one, cuz before this, I was cursed to be in eternal flight of darkness." They had a puzzled look, " a fallen angel."

One grabbed a crossbow, " chill van helsing. I have a bit of control so chill out." He just grunted, " fuck it I'm just going to show you."

I stepped back a few paces, and showed my I guess form of what I am? I don't know what my true true form is to be honest? But even still. It's a bit different. 

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