Chapter 7: the universe

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I heard a spark of a lighter, I walked in the kitchen to see everyone. " What's going on?" I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, " it's still your birthday. And I know you said you would rather not celebrate it. But, Hermoine, Betty, Veronica, Toni, and cheryll put a lot of work into this. And wanted to give you something special."

He closed my eyes, " why are you closing my eyes chris?" I could tell he was smiling. " Wait, which Chris is by me right now?" I heard my boyfriend from afar, " I'm over here baby." I smiled, " okay. Then who's covering my eyeballs?" " That would be me Haley." And that is the other Chris. " okay? So why are you closing my eyes? Because I quite frankly would like to see it again?"

He opened them, and holy cheese balls. " oh my gothic snow globes." I saw this beautiful black ball gown. And a pair of wicked cute Rhinestone heels and a pair of black globes. " oh my forever gothic snow globes."

Then it dawned on me, I saw everyone was different, they looked older almost? " Wait what's today." They all kept quiet, I flashed my fangs and changed my eyes, " haley, it's Friday May 15, 2026." I felt my mouth drop open, " where's Chris?" They kept quiet, "

Authors note

At Imma redo this chapter I got an idea. And it's really adorable.

Chapter 7: universe

I saw a spark of a lighter, I walked in the kitchen to see everyone. " What's going on?" " it's still your birthday. And I know you said you would rather not celebrate it. But, Hermoine, Betty, Veronica, Toni,cheryll, coreen and vicky put a lot of work into this. And wanted to give you something special."

Henry told me, that's when I saw a pair of hands cover my eyeballs? " Why are you covering my eyes?" I heard Ricky, " it's worth it, so no speaking." I laughed in my head, " okay. Fine. I'll stay quiet this time."

That's when my head turned with my body in a different direction. " Okay." He moved his hands, I was in aww. I saw this beautiful black and red ball gown. " Oh my. It's beautiful."

Then my mind drifted off, " wait where's Chris?" They all kept quiet once again, as silence flooded the room, my eyes turned black, " where is he?" Coreen spoke up, " he should be back by tonight haley." I calmed down, " where did he go exactly?"

" There's a small beach not far from here, and he's been living there for a few months." " How long?" She replied, " six months." I sighed, " you said he will be back by tonight though?"

I sighed, that's when I decided to go back to my room.

Later that night

Me and the girls got ready. And I gotta say, girl we look wicked. 

Later that night


No ones pov

Waiting in the ballroom was the guys, a few of the girls came down, one asked, " where's Haley?" Vicki replied, " ya, she will be a minute though. Coreen is helping her lace up the corset." Rebekah said, " those things are a bloody pain to wear. Yet we do look good in them."

Vicki's pov

I hope she's gonna be okay. And I hope coreen knows what she is doing. Soon enough I saw her running in, " okay all set. She is ready, and neither of us can breath. Is Chris here yet?" We looked over to Ryan. " yep. He's waiting by the door." I smiled, " this will be a great birthday present for her. To lift her spirit."

Haley's pov

I tricked myself to lift my dress so I could walk. And I ended up falling down the stairs, but luckily my dress cushioned my fall. That's when I heard, " need a hand?" I know that voice from anywhere. I got up and used vamp speed and lunged into his arms accidentally crashing into the door. " you have no idea how much I missed you."

I saw him smile fanged, " and you have no idea how much I missed you baby girl." And my brain melted to gush. I just smiled, my face redder than a cherry. He smiled, and soon enough I was the one pinned against a wall. My brain is just- oof.

I smiled, " I love you tiger." He smiled fanged, " I love you more sexy." I swear. I know what weakness he has, and what words to say. And he does the same to me.

Ten minutes later

No ones pov

Betty questioned, " where are those two? It's been almost ten minutes?" Veronica looked to Betty, " nevermind." That's when we saw the doors open. And welp, Toni told sweets" you owe me five bucks."

Haley's pov

" Why are you all staring at us?" I knew what was gonna be said. " I have been in a coma for the past year and a half. I haven't seen my boo in that time." " Haley's right. I haven't seen the love of my life in over a year and a half."

Later that night

Few hours later

This has been the best night of my life so far. And what's even sweeter, is that I'm engaged. Yep. I know he said he has Been wanting to marry me,, and marry me in the future. Welp, this has to be the best mother fucking birthday of my life.

I guess I would be twenty-five today. But, immortal- kind of. But even still, I get to keep my promise, and I get to love him for eternity. I know what you're thinking, eternity is a long time. Yeah, I know, but I don't care. As long as I'm with him, I'm happy. He makes me happy. And I wouldn't change it at all. 

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