Chapter 2: madness

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Two months later

It's been two months since the attack. And it's been two months and a month since survivors came here. As you know through the portal thing. But recently there have been more populated areas with zombies? I do not know why.

Thursday,may 1,2025

Base camp a: Texas


7:39 am

I was searching through the fridge when I felt a pair of arms around me, I was about to attack when I heard, " goodmorning my love." I blushed, smiling hearing his voice. " Good morning mister." I turned around to immediately be kissed. I had a smile on my face, I pulled away, " you gonna let me grab breakfast or no?" He smirked, " I'll take that as a no." I turned around. I know exactly what the hell i'm doing doll.

A little Teasing never harmed or killed anyone before. I was about to grab a monster. Then thought, go to the freezer and grab mini pancakes. I swear I got horns on my head showing through my halo. <3 and the little purple emoji with a wicked smile and horns. I love it.

I then grabbed the mini pancakes. And felt a draft fall away. I shut the freezer walking over to the microwave and next to it plates. " want any chris?"

He looked at me with hunger and lust in his eyes. And a huge smile on his face, I smiled walking over to him, I smiled more, wrapping my arms around his neck. I let out a small laugh, " are you doing okay handsome?" I started to bite my lower lip.

And usually this would set any guy off but, I mainly know that me calling him one of many words, such as handsome, sexy, tiger, or babe. Plus me biting my lower lip it sets him off. And gets me in trouble, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him, our lips crashed together and as you might be able to tell what happens next.

I'm going to skip over to when the alarm goes off.

Next day

I woke up early and today I'm going on a road trip. Where you might ask? Well we got a distress call from new orleans. Yes I'm already cursing in my head. But I don't know for sure what's going to happen. But, I got my fists, my curse and a lot of guns.

My offutt of the day: 

My offutt of the day: 

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I sighed, " I'll be back soon babe." He kissed me one last time, " I am gonna miss you." I smiled, " I'm gonna miss you but, I'll be back by tomorrow."

I hugged him and then headed to the car.

Six hours later

New Orleans,Louisiana

Driving through town, it was abandoned, a few zombies here and there but what I'm worried about is that it's almost too quiet. Getting out I was in a choke hold, " Who are you?" I growled, my eyes changing to black, I grabbed his hand snapping it, he immediately dropped me, I tried to catch my breath but it felt like I was coughing on a lung.

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