ch:13 : rot

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Later that night

I smiled, sliding my boots on. I had one song stuck in my head which caused me to smile, it was girls,girls,girls by motley crue. I smiled, grabbing my wallet, keys, and sunglasses since it's still a bit light out. As the sun set is going down.

Walking downstairs I went to the kitchen, grabbed a monster and blood bag. I mixed them both into my flask with a bit of whiskey. I heard damon, " never expected you to be a whiskey person." i laughed, " engaged mister. Nice try though." I winked at him. And saw Chris drooling, " You're drooling handsome."

I smiled more, " I'll be back late tonight my love." He smiled, his eyes changing, I changed mine, smiling fanged, I leaned in kissing him. Moving my arms around his neck. I pulled away, " you are always welcome to come with me if you want?" He smiled, and a gust of air left his presence. " I kind of figured."

He soon came back down, and oof. He wore a black leather jacket, ripped tank top, and a pair of black jeans with black and red boots. I smiled, " come on, were gonna be late. Plus I'm hungry." He smiled, and I threw him a pair of keys.

I then said, " anyone wanna go to a rave with us?" I saw Lizzie, Caleb, Draco, Betty, Veronica, Henry,Rebekah, Lestat, and Coreen come over. " that was quick. Welp. Y'all can take the suv. I'm going with Chris."

I smiled, and soon we all headed over to the party.

Later that night

I smiled, waiting by the bar for a drink. That's when I heard, " hey beautiful, can I get you a drink?" I smiled, " actually you can. Meet me out back in ten." He smiled, and started to head out, I looked over to Chris, " hey meet outside for a bite." I winked, and he followed.

Out back

I smiled, and heard him, " I got you a mixer doll." I smirked, walking towards him, I smiled and warned him, " don't scream." That's when I grabbed him by the name of his hair, and yanked his head to the side exposing his neck.

All I could hear was the blood rushing through his veins. I sunk my fangs into his neck. He whimpered, I smiled. I am not usually one for the gore analytics with feeding but. Yeah no. I'm the complete opposite of it.

Next day

Morning- 10:45 am

Saturday, October 10,2026

I got back around well a few hours ago actually it's twenty to eleven right now so I got home around 7:45 so three hours ago practically. And so I'm covered in blood still. Hehe. That's when I got in the driveway, to see my friends, fiancé, and a few new friends. I got off grabbing my keys, " what you people doing up this early in the morning." I saw Hermoine, " Haley, we need to talk." I sighed, " well can I at least clean up, as you can tell, had a bit of a fighter last night."

I smirked at that comment that's when I heard what felt like a dream turn into a walking nightmare, " please hear her out Haley." I felt my hands turn into fists with claws. I changed my eyes, and flashed my fangs, soon enough I was being held back by Klaus and damon. " this is a fucking dream. It's not possible." I heard Freya, " well, with a bit of begging and pleading from the ancestors, it had to be done."

I growled, getting loose, " touch me again and I'll snap your mother fucking necks." I heard, " that's not the daughter I remember." I growled, " yeah well at least I got your temper." I heard another, " that ain't no lie." I changed my eyes back. Still keeping my fangs exposed.

" Chris told us a bit about what's been happening and well, why did you do Haley." I growled, " you really wanna know why? Even on today? Wow. Just wow, you honestly think I was going to be able to stay strong for so long. After the hell I went through with you." I heard my father, " Haley, watch it."

I growled, " no, I tried to stay calm for so long, and look where it fucking got me. Yes I may have found the love of my life. But the demons I fucking hide, I'm cursed as a fucking hybrid. I am just happy I can say that after all of these years, I survived the game that you played with that bitch."

I heard my mother, " please Haley. All I wanted was what was best for you." I growled, " when I still lived with you those seven years, I didn't realize the hell you three put me through. Yet you were the one that was a puppet to a string. Being played as she was the fuckin marionette.

Yet I was the only one that got out of the web of burning lies. Do you know how much damage that caused me. To have my own mother trust someone else rather than her own daughter. Her own flesh and blood."

I stopped realizing, I just laughed, my wings ripping my jacket, " you know something, if this is your fucking sick twisted way of getting me to turn my humanity back on it ain't going to work. Even if hell were to freeze over. Not a fucking chance."

I only had fury. And hungry. Soon enough that fury turned to rage, I laughed, " fuck it. I'm out of here." That's when I heard something be fired, I got shot with what was a vervain syringe, I yanked it out, " it doesn't work on me. Nice shot though. But trust me, do that again and it's your heart."

I turned my back to them and before I could even take a few steps, I heard my mother ask, " let me ask this Haley." I sighed, " why did you turn it off?" I sighed, " because I saw a devil in a shattered mirror and that devil was me." I got back on my bike, and just drove till the sunset fell. 

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