(continuing- chapter 4)

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So as you can tell, I've been trying to hide it ever since. And you might be wondering who was in the picture. Well, let's just say, an old friend I knew in middle school. And also my second boyfriend I guess, but he was the first guy I ever went on a date with.

Dad fumigated the fucking car, to those who know my other stories. You understand. But, we couldn't breath it was bad.

His name is Andrew, and he sadly was the test subject. They apparently don't have a pin pointed location—

*alarm goes off*

" God dammit." I hid the antibiotic and set my shirt down, I ran upstairs to the security room.

Security room

I saw Liliana, Chris, and Veronica. " I see you are better?" He said, " yeah." I gave him a quick kiss. " What's the alarm signal?" Liliana replied, " distress from Carmel Indiana?" I growled, " mother fucker." " that a good or bad thing?" I sighed, " it's a long story." We then saw another, " and there's one in New York?" I raised an eyebrow, " that's different. There's never been two-" and another, " okay make that three."


Carmel, Indiana


New York City, New York

Fun another road trip.

Next morning

First destination: Carmel Indiana

Bass pro shops

I saw the area gated in, I just plowed right through it. The fence broke, and I got a few scratches on the car, but I can buff them out.


I had my bow,arrows on my back, and a sharp wit. Slowly walking I didn't make a sound. That was until I felt a hand wrap around my neck, " make one move princess and your dead." I kept quiet, " drew the bow." I did, " kick it away."

I did what was told, " good girl. Now explain how you got in." I replied, " driving helps. And call me princess again and it will be your balls on a fence post." His eyes went wide, " allow me to ask this, who sent a distress signal?"

I heard a very familiar voice, " that would be me angel." I growled seeing the face, he was pale, fanged, had black eyes, I hissed, and soon enough he was in my face, " let her go Micheal." He did, " didn't think anyone else survived in this hell hole?" I replied, " ya think?"

" so either stay or base. Because I don't have much time" they said, " lets go."

In the car

I had the radio softly playing. I saw the window roll down. " we have a problem." I slammed on the breaks, " don't you dare puke in this mother fucking car." I then saw that one was bleeding, " mother fucker."

I stopped the car completely, I grabbed the first aid kit. And hopped in the back, " arm." He gave it to me, and I quickly bandaged it, " how did this happen?" My god it's like dealing with fucking toddlers. I got back up front and we went on our way.

On the way back home

Saturday.May 10.2025

I had an album softly playing. And so far this is a new update of survivors.

Update base camp: survivors



















So that explains a bit. On the way back, I heard nothing but the sound of dead silence. Until, a small grumble. I looked in the mirror, and saw the window roll down. I cursed, " oh please just be food hungry" please don't be a vein please don't be a vein. " uh hey Haley?"

I sighed, " snacks are in the chest. And no, I'm sorry but no." One raised an eyebrow, coreen said, " I don't think anyone except Henry, Ricky, and Chris-" I shut my eyes for a second, "I swear to hades"

I pulled over, Mike questioned, " why are we stopping?" I sighed, putting the car in park. I looked behind, " explain." Coreen said, " do you have snacks?" Henry then continued after coreen, " and I don't really think hunger is a point right now."

I rolled my eyes, " okay. Mini fridge, water, monster, and other drinks. I don't drink, so out of luck. And food is in the mini chest. And there might be a few sandwiches in the other mini fridge."

I was about to turn around when I felt a sharp pain in my ribs, I bit my tongue snapping around, " can I move up by you?" I heard Chris ask, " sure." So he got out. And I checked my ribs, it's fucking spreading. I heard Chris, " you okay?" I immediately hid my ribs, " yeah. I'm fine." He raised an eyebrow, getting in shutting the door, I readjusted then started to drive again.

" I can tell you are not fine." I growled, getting a tighter grip on the steering, " I didn't mean to pry. But, even still you got to look out for each other." I sighed, resting my head on the headpiece of the seat. " Can you keep a secret Chris?"

He said, " yeah? Why?" I sighed, " I'm dying." He gave a confused look, " what do you mean?" I sighed, " I am dying because of a virus. Not a zombie virus, more like a cancerous kind. Granted I get cancer from my mom's side. I just didn't think it would be this early."

He sighed, " do you know what will happen?" I sighed, " no. More or less I might be dead by the end of the year." Chris questioned" how bad is it? Scale one to ten?" I sighed biting my tongue, " Haley-" I replied, " 53." " I wish there was something I could do."

I sighed, " don't tell anyone else? My best friend and boyfriend don't even know. You're the first person I ever told." He shut his eyes, " on one condition." I sighed, " only now-" I handed him my arm. " what- no? Promise me that if you don't tell him by July I'm telling him. Understood?" I nodded, " yeah."

Back at base

I saw Chris outside, sitting on the porch. I got out, " Chris? What's wrong?" He sighed, " it's Liliana." I sighed, " Chris what happened?" He said, " We were attacked. And she took a bullet for me." I felt my eyes go wide. " She's okay, right?"

He shut his eyes, looking down, I knew that this couldn't be at best. " I'm so sorry Haley." With that I felt my world crash. Becoming numb once again. I walked away, not saying a word.

Walking inside I just went straight to the loft bedroom. I shut the door locking it. And once I did, I let everything out. Anger, sadness, tears. I punched the wall over and over, and over. Till my knuckles were bloodied.

Chris's pov

I hate seeing her like this. Her eyes could tell a million souls her story. I heard, " is she okay?" I sighed, " no. A good friend of hers passed away. She has known Liliana since third grade. So, they are best friends. They were like sisters. Apparently they met on Halloween. They were inseparable. Had there moments. But, I just hope she's going to be okay."

Authors note

I do suggest listening to these next few songs reading chapter 5.

I prevail: alone

Through fire: breathe

Motionless in white: another life

Black veil brides: lost it all

Def Leppard: love bites

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