Chapter 3: not so formal introductions and info

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New Orleans,Louisiana

So, after discussing things, more or less things became a blood bath, " well that was effective but also very disgusting." I shivered at the sight of blood. It just grosses me out. I can help others, but if I see my own blood, I mentally puke. " so you have the option, come with me or stay here?"

They looked at me, and I swear I was getting stared at like a rack of ribs in a meat locker. " no, not gonna happen, you can go with me back to base." Soon enough they were walking to the car. Fair enough.

In the car: road trip home

Luckily we hijacked this humor- it was abandoned. Why not? Besides, it helps keep food and artillery. But you get the point. The seating went like this:

Driver: me

Passenger: klaus

Backseat: Kol,Davina,Elijah,Rebekah,Marcel

Yeah simple and easy. But I am stuck up here with hybrid. As I have the song disguise stuck in my head I felt my fingers tap to the beat. " you're creating a beat love?" I stopped immediately, " tell me this love, what is your state of mind right now?" I rolled my eyes, " I am trying to keep my mind away from the demons I call my past. And trying to keep an eye on my boyfriend, and also trying to find a way to end this fucking virus."

Back home: base camp

Few days

Wednesday, may 7,2025

It's been a few days, same thing nothing new. I'm not celebrating my birthday either. That's next week. Not looking forward to it. I haven't celebrated it since I was seventeen. So go figure right?


I have music playing in the room and my knuckles are bloody. This is what I get for punching the wall. I then heard, " baby girl? Why are you punching the wall?" I sighed, " I'm pissed because we can't find a lead. And Liliana pissed me off." He sighed, hugging me, " baby, you shouldn't be doing this." I sighed hugging back, " Chris, I want to find a lead. Anything that might help end this dumb virus. To get vengeance for them."

He sighed, " I know baby." I hugged him, as if I was holding on for dear life. He hugged back. He didn't have to say anything, he just knew. Being in his arms is like a Koala bear security blanket. He makes me feel safe,protected and calm.

Update base camp: survivors




























Ten minutes later

Liliana came rushing in, "Haley we have a problem." I growled, " I swear to hades if those fuckers sent another bloody monster- mama wolf ain't gonna be happy."


I went outside to see this huge ass monster. " oh shit." And what is behind it, " this is why I am still an anti valentine." Fucking Cupid. I grabbed my pistol, " I wouldn't do that if I were you." I know that voice anywhere, " Te Malivore pulvere emortuus fuerit?"

He growled, " after retrieving the dagger, I was set free, to a world I was reborn into." " hmm and here I see you still a puppet on a string?" He hissed, " isn't that what you are a doll." I shot him in the knee, " at least i still have my humanity and not a factious side of the grim reaper."

I walked closer, my boot on his neck, " night night bastard." With that I knocked his brains in. " Never call me a doll, or a puppet." 

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