Chapter 15: the nightmares always come back

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One year later

October 27,2027

It's been almost a year, and well, I'm back to the normal well as normal as it can get. But, other than that, I've been better, my mom visits once in a while. And I apologized about what happened when I shut it off. But other than that, things have been calm. We actually have been having a prank war going on? So it's girls against guys in the house and so far all is good. But, right now, we are in a prank war.


I was trying to set up a trap for the boys. That's when I felt a familiar presence, " trying to set up a trap huh?" I smirked, when I snapped up, " maybe maybe not. What are you gonna do tiger?" I smirked, seeing my boyfriend smiling, having that cute little smirk, soon enough I was pinned against the wall, " your being frisky today? What's got you in a mood mister?"

He smirked, " can I just do this with my queen?" I smirked, moving my head while rolling my eyes. " so what you gonna do, you gonna tourture me mister?" He smirked, kissing me. It always feels like a thousand fireworks going off when we kiss.

Soon enough I felt his kiss trail to my neck, I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach, I became tense. He whispered in my ear, " easy. I will go easy if you want." I felt my heart beat through the flow of my veins. He whispered, " do you trust me?" I nodded, " just, take it easy please." He kissed my neck a few times, and it sent shivers down my spine. Soon enough, I felt his fangs graze my neck. I latched onto him in fear, I never felt this much adrenaline in my life. Soon enough, I felt a pain in my neck.

At first it stung like a bitch, but after a while, I became used to it. He pulled away, and I felt my breath becoming heavier. He bit back into my neck. I felt more of a mix of pleasure and pain. But that's just me, and me trusting him.

Quick authors note

Due to the fact that 1.) I completely forgot about this. 2.) I have been trying to transfer photos from my iPad to my google drive, 3.) I just got home from Dairy Queen. 4.) I still have to edit this story like a mother fucker. 5.) I have to turn my iPad in tmrw at school and clean out my locker. So further more I will be cutting this story short but having a well rather happier ending to this. I do apologize for not updating this story much. But I have about twenty to thirty stories in the grave yard and I am trying to finish those finish highschool off and also graduate with a highschool diploma and also plan a party I do thank you all for being supportive and reading my story.

Thank you to those who have done that. And also please read my other stories which most will be completed and or are on quotev still but soon to be transferring along with getting my insta back up and running I thank you all and have a good day and or night depending on where you all are. Thank you.

End of authors note

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