Chapter 14: crooked soul

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Three days later

Monday,October 13,2026

I got back home, and well I guess me going on a killing spree doesn't help. I slowly walked in, covered in all blood and a bit of my own because of a fighter. I heard a few faint voices, " I'm just worried about her. This isn't like her. Ever since we got her back. She's been different especially without her humanity." I then heard damon, " god she's worse than Stefan and Klaus combined."

I rolled my eyes, and soon I was in the kitchen, " I know, I'm nothing like them. Stefan May have been a ripper without his humanity. But still he had morals, and Klaus. Yeah no, he's just a homicidal maniac." I saw them with wide eyes, I heard Katherine, " my point exactly." I rolled my eyes, " watch it katarina, I can rip your throat out before anyone can blink." She changed her eyes, and I pinned her to the wall, " I warned you princess."

My eyes changed to a blood red, she smirked but then quivered, and I heard, " Haley, let her go." I laughed, still having Kathrine in a choke hold, " well, this is just fun, my dear old mother is still here. So what's your deal?" She tried to come over to me, and tried to hug me, I laughed, " mommy dearest, I'm covered okay let me make a correction, I'm soaked."

He smiled and fanged, " can I speak with you?" I smirked, " maybe, what about?" She hugged me, " I'm sorry haley. I hope you forgive me." With that I felt a burning pain in my side. I looked down and saw it was a knife covered in what killed me first, what made me turn off my humanity. I had tears pool in my eyes, before I collapsed, I asked her, " how could you?" And when I collapsed, things became numb. I felt betrayal, pain, and the same pain I felt before.

Two weeks later


I've been staying here for two weeks now, I've become starved, and hungry with blood lust, but I haven't gotten much sleep. You might be wondering why? Ever since I got back and got my humanity back. I keep having nightmares, of the time I spent being tortured when I was captured. I knew me turning my humanity back on wouldn't help. But this is just my life being spent in a purgatory of my own demons. 

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