Chapter 12: one of my kind

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4:56 am

Wednesday, June 3,2026

On the road:At the capital

I know what I'm doing is insane, but the next thing I know, after putting up a fight is me getting fucking captured

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I know what I'm doing is insane, but the next thing I know, after putting up a fight is me getting fucking captured.

Death Valley, california


10:22 am

No ones pov

All it was was crashing objects outside. Jesse questioned, " what's wrong with lestat?" Betty replied, " Haley left in the night, she left a video message. None of us are too happy about it. But apparently she did it to protect us." Jesse sighed, " I can see where she's coming from with it. But curiosity killed the cat, that's what happened when I met lestat." Veronica asked, " what do you mean?" Jesse explained all of what happened. " oh my-" she nodded, " yeah."

Three weeks later

Haley's pov

Abandoned cell

I woke up to fear and panick. I saw I was thrown back in here, I have been drained to the brink of death. Beaten, bruised, and tortured. But today, I worry. That's when I heard a sweet voice, " miss?" I growled, " what do you people want now?" She replied kindly, " I hate to bother you miss, but I was told to give you these."

She laid a pair of clothes and shoes in the cell along with a full meal. " thank you-" she replied, " marie." I told her, " thank you marie. But can I ask you soemthing?" She nodded, " why are you being nice?"

She replied, " everyone needs a little kindness, plus I'm on your side." I told her, " thank you marie." She nodded and left. I soon got dressed which was a terrible form of a offutt. It was a skimpy pair of shorts, crop top, and a pair of boots. God I feel so fucking exposed.

Hour later

I got yanked out of the cell and put in handcuffs. Once again trying to fight only ended up in blood shed.

Main stage

I got a punch in the head, nose, eye socket, and lip. So mainly blood is on my face. It hurts, but I won't show the weakness of pain. Then the bitch started to speak. " citizens, may I have your attention please? Thank you. Today, we gather as one. To finally destroy the little girl-"

I jerked my head, I tuned out the thought of her screeching voice. I could feel hunger grow, haveing not fed in weeks it sucks. The desecration of my veins is eating me alive practically. " any last words b**ch?" I growled, my eyes changing, " burn in Hell you dumb b**tch!" With that, I shut my eyes, feeling the pain of a bullet in my ribs. Falling to the ground, I let out a demonic blood curdling scream.

Feeling my life slip away, I slowly felt me slip away, " remember to bring me back." With that, I shut my humanity off. And became what I feared most. I felt my body become numb. I smirked, standing up. " let the bloodshed begin." 


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