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Gene Simmons -
2nd POV
You've drank around him before, but you've only been tipsy though. The first time you actually got drunk was on your birthday. Gene and the rest of the band pitched in on renting out a bar to give you a surprise party. It was so fun, and Ace kept getting you drink after drink. You didn't really notice how many drinks were being given to you, but you keep drinking them. They were those drinks that you know taste fruity but could get you fucked up. It was a few hours, and you didn't notice how much alcohol was in your system until you stood up and tried walking. As soon as you stood up you sat right back down from not being able to hold your balance.

1st POV
"Darling you alright" I heard Gene ask me as he stood in front of me. I just sat there and kind of mumbled. I could really see straight, everything seemed dizzy. The heels I decided to wear weren't helping. I just stared at the ground as Gene tried helping me up. He held one of my hands and held my waist to direct me. I took like two steps to the door then kicked off my heels. I didn't even try to bend down to pick them up so Gene picked them up and held them in the hand that was on my waist.

"Now come on" he said as we took slow steps to the door and outside. The rest of the guys just watched, and I could hear small chuckles coming from them. We got outside and the sun was gone. I was basically clinging into Gene to keep my body stable. He got me into a cab and got us to his house. I was really quiet the whole ride with the occasional noise when Gene asked me if I was ok. When we got to the house, he took me inside and we sat down on his couch. He started trying to ask me if I wanted anything, but I took my finger and put it on his lips to make him be quiet. I then crawled onto his lap wrapping my legs around his waist. I pulled him into a hug and shoved my face into his neck. He had his hands on my lower back just holding me. I started to feel sleepy and let my head relax on his shoulder. I closed my eyes and, in that moment, just passed out into his shoulder.

You woke up to Gene's snoring and a pounding headache. You just rolled out of the bed and walked to the bathroom. You yawned and turned on the sink. You cupped your hands and filled them up with the cold sink water. You splashed it onto your face and rubbed your eyes. You hadn't taken off the makeup from the night before, so you now had mascara smeared under your eyes. You groan and use soap and water to scrub the makeup off your face.

When you finally got the makeup off you patted your face off with a towel. You opened the cabinet above the sink and looked for some Advil or some sort of pain relief. Eventually you did, you opened the bottle and put two of the pills into your hand. You put the bottle back and walked to the kitchen, pills in hand. You take a cup from the cabinet and fill it up a bit with water. You put the pills in your mouth and then take a drink while swallowing the pills. You dumped the rest of the water back into the sink putting the cup into the sink. You leaned over the sink and stared into the sink. You then feel someone, Gene wraps his arms around your waist and lean down to put his chin on your shoulder.
"Good morning" you crack a small smile then turn around to face him. You look up at him.
"Never let me drink that much again" you say then lay your forehead onto his chest. He chuckles and just nods.

Paul Stanley -
2nd POV
You drink quite a bit but most of the time it's in the comfort of your own home. You're usually also alone. You also stay sober when you join the band when there on the road so you can make sure Paul doesn't do something incredibly stupid. This particular night you were in your house it was like 3am. You were wearing a long t-shirt with only underwear underneath. The house was mostly dark with some lamps giving off some dim light. You started drinking some scotch and you started and didn't stop.

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