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[In this universe Peter never is kicked out of the band for timeline purposes]

February 19, 1977
3:09 a.m.

"Oh fuck!!"  I scream as Peter Criss. The Peter Criss is pulling my hair and fucking me from the back. He drops me and I flop my body head down onto the bed but keep my ass in the air. I pant heavily as my body rocks back and forth from each pound into me. My whole body weak but begging for more. The roughness made it feel amazing. I had mascara running down my face. I heard him let out a few groans then I felt some warmth enter me when he stopped the aggressive pounding and pulled out of me allowing me colipase. I lay flat on the bed trying to catch my breath. He grabs onto me and rolls me over to one side of the bed. I groan from how sore I was. I was so tired though I didn't even complain. He shut off both on the lamps in the room and slid under the covers. I did also even throw the pain. I instantly passed out.


I woke up from the sun in my eyes. I look over at the clock on the bedside table.
1:55 p.m.
I then heard a loud snore from beside me. I almost jumped but I remembered where I was and what happened last night. I let out a breath and slowly sat up and stood up. I had my hands balled up into fists from the pain. Once I was up, I looked around for my clothes but once I did, they were basically in half and unwearable. I was completely naked and couldn't leave without something to wear so without really thinking I found his clothes in a bag, and I started looking threw it. I stole a random band shirt and some random pair of pants that I had to hold up. The only thing I had that was in tacked was my shoes that I slipped on and sneaked my way out of the hotel and back home.

December 18th, 1980

My little girl Michelle just turned 3 today and I had a birthday party for her. I was living with my best friend who allowed me to stay with her while I took care of Michelle.
I got pregnant after having a one-night stand with Peter Criss years ago when I was 21. He was such a big rockstar I didn't even bother trying to get near him or try to tell him. I doubt he would have recognized me anyway. I kept it to myself until it got too much to hide, and I had to tell my parents who I was living with at the time. They were extremely Christian and immediately kicked me out. I ran to my best friend, Jenny. She was extremely well off and her parents were rich. She let me move in with her and was there for me through the rest of the pregnancy. Has helped me take care of her and took care of her when I wasn't there too. 

We had a few of Michelle's friends over for a small party for her. It was all inside since it was winter and was getting colder by the day. It was just a couple hours of her and her friends playing then cake and presents. Everyone was eventually picked up by their parents and taken home. I started getting ready for work after everyone left. I had the night shift at this coffee shop that's open 24 hours.
I gave my daughter a hug and a kiss before I grabbed my keys and walked outside to my car that Jenny bought me for my birthday a couple years ago. I started the engine and started driving down the dark roads of New York that were lit up by the dim streetlights. It was a Thursday night so there was quite a bit of traffic until I found a place beside the street in front of the coffee shop I could park. I stepped out of the car and in my uniform and jacket walked into the shop. My co-worker Sean was standing behind the counter until I walked in. He sighed a sigh of relief and started gathering his belongings.

"Sorry it took me so long; traffic is pretty bad tonight."
"It's fine Y/N not your fault, not like there's anything going on anyway." I chuckle at the comment.
"Well, ima head out good luck" I nod.
"Well, be careful getting home."
"Always am" he says before walking out of the store, the bell ringing as he does so. I take my stuff and walk behind the counter and pull myself a stool to sit on awaiting the long night to come.

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