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Gene Simmons -
First Kiss - 
Your first kiss took place a few days after your first date. On your second date he took you to a fancier restaurant than your first date. You were a little more dressed up than last time. Once the date was over though he took you home and walked you to your door. It was like a sense you would see in a movie. You two stood there staring at each other until you both slowly leaned in for a kiss. Afterward you said your goodbyes and left him wanting more at the door.

Favorite Kisses - 
He loves classic lip kisses, but he also loves kissing your cheeks. You get flushed when he does it and that's adorable to him. He also likes cheek kisses from you.

Paul Stanley -
First Kiss - 
Your first kiss took place at a random bar you guys went to for a friend's birthday party that you asked him to go with you to. The party was pretty crazy almost everyone there got wasted and kept disappearing which wasn't really that uncommon for the friends you had. You and Paul just sat at the bar for most of the time. You had a few drinks and were starting to feel a little tipsy, so you decided to stop yourself there. You leaned on the bar and stared at Paul. He stared back at you which caused you to giggle a bit. You guys stared at each other for a bit before grabbing your cheek rubbing it with his thumb and pulling you to a soft and gentle kiss.

Favorite Kisses -
He loves neck kisses whether it's him giving them to you or you giving them to him doesn't matter he loves them.

Peter Criss -
First Kiss - 
Your first kiss took place after one of his concerts. He was doing predictably good that night and was really hyped. The main show was over, and he basically ran off stage and over to you. He picked you up and spun you around. Once he sat you on your feet, he pulled you into a kiss that you didn't complain about.

Favorite Kisses -
He's quite a fan of nose kisses. He loves leaving little pecks on the tip of your nose when he leaves in the morning to meet with the band.

Ace Frehley -
First Kiss - 
Your first kiss took place at your apartment one night when he showed up randomly drunk. He got shit faced one night and found his way to your apartment. He tried playing it off like he wasn't drunk, but you knew better. He invited himself in like usual and sat on the couch and started watching whatever you had on the TV. You just went and joined him on the couch and continued watching the TV. You didn't notice that he was staring at you until his face got really close to yours. You looked over at him with a questioning look on your face when he softly grabbed your cheek and rubbed his thumb across it. Then he randomly pulled into a kiss with him, it wasn't the worst, but it wasn't pleasant. He tasted of pure beer but besides that it was one of the cuter things he's done. 

Favorite Kisses -
He loves kissing your shoulders. Well, his version of kissing them is leaving marks telling people you're his. He likes marking his territory.

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