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Gene Simmons -
2nd POV
You met at a bar in 1976 your friend was having a bachelorette party. His band was having a live show at this small bar. You were kind of being left out of your friend's drunken activities since you weren't too much of a drinker and since you had to be the one who made sure everyone was safe and didn't do something stupid, so you stayed sober. You stopped paying attention to your friends when they started playing and you couldn't help but watch. You were wearing a pair of high waisted flare jeans with a red long sleeved, skin tight shirt with a deep v-neckline. You leaned back on the bar holding a drink that you had only taken a few sips of. You found their music fascinating and captivating. So, you just sat and stared at them play on the stage. Their look was even more interesting than the makeup that characters seemed to have. They were loud but your type of loud.

1st POV
I had always loved rock and roll as a kid and now. I noticed myself start to stare at their bass player. His makeup was all black and in a bat wing shape around his eyes. His hair was all in his face and you could see the sweat running down his face. The makeup didn't seem to move any from his face though. A few people in the bar started to leave but my drunken friends didn't mind and were dancing on the dance floor with a few other drunken people. I was staring when I guess he caught me staring and he looked over to me. He winked then let his tongue roll out of his mouth and licked his lips with it. I kind of chuckled and smiled. It was entertaining and I couldn't deny that. The show lasted a half an hour. When they got off the stage the bass player instead of getting off on the side, he handed his bass to one of his band mates and basically jumped off the stage which wasn't that tall and started walking over to me and the bar. He sat in the empty seat beside me. He ordered water from the bar then turned to look over at me.

"What's your name, pretty lady?" I smile at the complaint.
"Y/N" I hold my hand out limply for him to shake. He takes it gently and does a quick shake. He almost towered over me with the 7-inch boots I had to look up to see his face. I heard a few 'ooo's and giggles coming from behind me. This confused me and I turned my head to look behind me and saw my friends in a circle making kissy faces and noises. I wiped my face back over to him and covered it with my hands to hide my embarrassed face. This seemed amusing to him, and he grabbed my hand and slowly removed it from my face.
"My names Gene," he said, making me look up at him. Then I hear someone yell his name from the entrance of the bar. I look over when he does, and I see another tall guy with makeup on but this guy's makeup had a star on his eye and red lipstick. He was waving Gene over I guess for them to leave.

"Guess I got to go" I turned back over to see him getting up.
"Wait" This stopped him in his tracks as I opened my bag and I pulled out a pen and a piece of paper with a note that said, 'Call me ;)'. I quickly write down my phone number and fold it in half and hand it to him. He takes it gratefully and winks at me as he walks away. I watched him walk out of the bar and all I could hear were my friends making cooing noises and teasing noises. I roll my eyes and rub my head with my hand as they continue.
"Ok you all have had enough, come on we're getting out of here" They all groaned and tried to convince me to stay but I didn't budge. I got them to the car and forced my friends in the car and took them home.

Paul Stanley -
2nd POV
You met at a concert in 1979 on their DYNASTY tour. You were actually part of a groupie group. You have a few friends and friends of friends you didn't know too well. You wore a short black dress with silver glitter heels. You weren't really the 'I want to get laid type' you really just wanted to meet them. You had followed the band to the first couple shows and didn't have much luck with meeting them due to the number of other groupies at these shows. You and your friends were finally able to get backstage before all these other groupies. There were 6 of you. You fixed your dress by pulling it down as you and your friends were taken into the dressing room area. 3 of the band members were sitting on this couch area while Paul was sitting in the mirror doing his makeup still. Still trying to perfect it.

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