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Gene Simmons -
2nd POV
He asked you on a date a week after he got your number. He called you as soon as he got home, and you answered almost immediately. You guys would talk for hours each night getting to know each other. Until he asked you on a date you had never seen each other. Also never seen him without his makeup. This was going to be an experience.
You got ready for your date. He was taking you just to a local diner. You wore some high waisted flare jeans with a brown belt and a striped shirt tucked in the pants. You had a few necklaces and carried a brown shoulder bag. When you were ready to go you left your apartment and walked to the diner.

1st POV
I stood outside of the diner and leaned up against a pole. I was really nervous and didn't know what to expect. I mean I'd never seen his face without the makeup, what was I to look for. I gripped the strap of my bag and held it tight. I let out a deep breath, but my heart was still pounding like crazy. I stared at the ground until a guy walked up close enough, I could see the tips of his shoes. My heart skipped and I slowly looked up. He was much taller than me, so I just stood there and looked up at him.
"Hello," I said in a little shaky voice.
"Hello Darling" he said, and I immediately relaxed. It was Gene I'd recognize that voice anywhere. I guess he noticed how tense I was.
"What did you think I was a kidnapper or something?" I laugh and pull him into a hug. He was just like a giant teddy bear he immediately melted into a hug. We stood like that for a moment until Gene pulled away.
"Let's go inside," he said. I nod and we walk inside of the diner and get a table.

I sit on one side, and he sits on the other. The waitress walks up, and we get our drinks giving us time to look at the menu for food. He was quieter than he was on the phone and when we first met. I didn't mind though his presence was more than enough. We ordered our food when the waitress came back. We both just got burgers and fries. Once we got our food he started talking much more. He started telling me all about the band and stories of stuff they've done on the road. It was actually really entertaining actually, and I really enjoyed listening to him talk. It had been an hour of him rambling on basically telling me everything about himself. He stopped eventually.

"Oh, sorry, what about you?" I chuckle and swallow a fry I was chewing.
"Me well I work as a high school teacher" he looked a little surprised at that fact.
"You know when you guys are going back on the road?" I ask and take the bite of a fry.
"After the holidays," he said.
"Well since we're having Christmas Break at the school how about I come with you for a few shows" I suggest. He seemed a little nervous.
"Uh yeah that- that sounds lovely" he chuckled nervously. I just laugh and smile. He pays the bill, and we head outside. He offers to walk me home. I try to reject but he insists, and we go on our way. At first, we just walked beside each other but I really had the urge to hold his hand. I would hold my hand to the side to where it was only centimeters apart from his. Eventually our hands brushed together, and I guess he got the hint because he put my hand in his intertwining our fingers. I looked at the ground and smiled quickly before looking back up. We got to my apartment building, and he walked me up to my door. I unlocked it, walked in a step then turned to look at him.
"Well, I should be getting home" he said but didn't really look like he wanted to leave. I smiled though then walked up really close to him. I got on my tiptoes and made it look like I was going to kiss him but instead I kissed his cheek. His face looked dumbfounded, and I just smiled.
"Bye Gene" I say, and he just nods as I shut the door. I shut the door then put my back against it. I was a giggly mess the whole rest of the day and night.

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