Chapter 3: Should I Just Kill Him?

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Still haven't decided who is going to play Calix but how HOT is this gif of Dean LOLZ

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Stormy grey eyes.

An immediate flash of recognition appeared across my vision as his unique eyes triggered my memory from last night. He had the exact broad build under his pale button-up and the same jagged black hair I glimpsed under the hood.

This was the intruder from last night!

"If you're done staring Ms Evans, you can sit down," He chuckled almost amusedly as he gestured to the sofa arrangements beyond his large mahogany desk.

I continued to stare at him, unwaveringly and flabbergasted. I could see the look of pure entertainment in his eyes, meaning he recognized me as soon as I walked into the room. Or better yet, he recognized me last night atop the Vienna hideout's crime scene!

"No-" I wanted to draw my blade and bring it to his throat, but Wyatt would impale me with the warning for assault he'd have to read.


"You-" I was at a loss for words. My hand was already hovering over my blazer at the gun that stayed tucked in the sheath around my waist. His eyes slowly traveled down my arm and it was like he realized the stance I was taking.

Should I just stab him? Save the trouble for everyone.

But he was a lead in the case I was toiling over for weeks. He was there last night!

"Put the gun down Ms. Evans, you are standing in my office, surrounded by surveillance," My apparently secretive client sighed calmly before picking up a file from his desk. His eyes flickered upwards to remind me of the bodyguards that were standing by the elevator and one stationed at the entrance of his office.

Was this the same man from last night? I cannot be mistaken. Those eyes are exactly the same, though now his figure was much clearer. Abandoning all morality, I drew the blade tucked under my skirt and launched myself across the room.

He didn't move, nor even flinch as I stood merely an inch from his face, my butterfly knife pressed against his jugular. I could hear the shouting in the background as the bodyguards in the room immediately drew their weapons and rushed into the room.

Calix's eyes stayed trained on me, a blank look emanating from there with not a hint of fear. He looked almost amused at the becoming of his sliced neck.

"Step away from him," One of the guards that stood beside the door commanded loudly, his gun cocked back and aimed at my head. My eyes continued to watch Calix intently, waiting for his next move.

I wanted to know if he was going to be an enemy or not.

Calix's gaze hardened as he looked up around the room at the 4-5 people aiming their loaded weapons at me. It was safe to say if I cut his neck, I would easily be Swiss cheese. "Nobody shoots her," He hissed lowly at the confused men that were paid to protect his life. All guns lowered unwillingly as his men stood guard around us, ready to restrain me if he calls for it.

Now it was my turn to be gobsmacked.

"I could kill you," I spat venomously, pressing the blade closer to his jaw.

He smirked, somehow unfazed, "I know,"

I continued to stare at him suspiciously. Wyatt wasn't stupid, he wouldn't assign me to this man if he was an enemy. Though I challenge Wyatt a lot, I would never question his judgment. Anyone who had been through the underground with Wyatt deserves my respect, at least in theory.

Flipping the butterfly knife back into its handle I stepped away from him. Calix continued to smile at me smugly before rubbing his neck at where the blade left his throat. I didn't even cut him.

He didn't fight back, nor did he have me removed. I had my suspicions confirmed, he was definitely the same man from last night.

I could see the glares from the guard around me as the bodyguard by the door stepped up toward Calix with a concerned look on his face. "You alright?" He asked, hand on Calix's shoulder.

"I'm fine Jace," Calix murmured dismissively. Jace's eyes flickered at me and I half expected him to glare or give me a spiteful look, but instead, there was a twitch of his lips, as if he was sort of impressed.

It was then that I realized Jace didn't have his gun in his hands. In fact, the holding strap on his gun was still fastened in place at his waist, meaning he didn't even draw it.

"Team, meet my new personal bodyguard," Calix announced, gesturing to me as silence befell the room, "This is Aria Evans, she will be taking over as secretary for a while and commanding the security team,"

I could see the immediate look of displeased on everyone's face except for Jace who seemed rather entertained at the circumstances. I scowled at Calix for his pure existence. "You will be answering to her for the next couple of months,"

With that, he dismissed the entire team as they unwillingly took their exit out the door leaving Jace, Calix, and me alone in the room.

"Miss Evans," Jace grinned, stepping forward to extend his hand, "I've heard a lot about you,"

I took his hand, giving it a firm shake, "Aria is fine," I replied.

"Jace," He introduced himself with a nod of his head, "Jace Riva, Mr. Winter's ex-head of security," He joked, crossing his arms over his chest. Jace was dressed in a black polo with a red armband around his left bicep that was holding on for dear life from the size of his arm.

His dark chestnut hair was short and it complimented nicely with his bright hazel eyes. There was no doubt that Jace was Italian. His last name was literally Riva but his olive skin tone was a clear indicator he was European.

"So why am I being hired? You lacking these days Jace?" I asked nonchalantly and Jace laughed at my comment as Calix leaned against his desk casually, an amused smirk on his lips. 

"Jace is perfectly capable to be my head of security, Miss Evans, your job is to provide personal protection," Calix replied to my question. I crossed my arms over my chest and shifted my weight from one foot to the other. "You will be replacing my current secretary,"

"So I'm doing two jobs?"

"You will be paid for it accordingly," He shot back. I didn't have time to bodyguard him, I had to work on the case I was officially kicked off of. Not to mention this very man being a part of the lead I had been chasing. "You will be in charge of Jace's team, they will be at your command,"

I didn't say anything and he look that as my silence of approval before handing over the file he had gripped before.

"This is your contract, Miss Evans," He added, his deep voice not failing to make my stomach act up, "Take the rest of the evening to review and sign it,"

I already knew the hooded figure from the rooftop had defined features despite the mask and hood he was wearing but Calix Winter was not what I was imagining.

There was something sinisterly attractive about this man and yet I couldn't place what it was.

"And Miss Evans," he called forth my attention again as I flickered my gaze up at his god-carved face, "Your day starts at my place, not at the office, be there at 8 am sharp,"

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