Chapter 5: Miss Aria Evans

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I love how much Wattpad romanticises Mafias and gangs when real-life gangs beat the living shit out of you when you want to leave LOL. 

Quick chapter on some Aria backstories!! 

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The night I ran away from the family business that kept me chained to my own hell courtesy of my father, the asshole definitely didn't make it easy to get out.

If you want out of a gang, you have to quite literally get the shit kicked out of you and my father definitely took that bloody little ritual seriously. Even on his own flesh and blood.

Not that I made it any easier for him by taking out a quarter of his men.

I smirked to myself and wiped the blood off my bottom lip for the 4th time tonight as I listened for the boarding call of my flight. My eyes trained on the bright light reflecting off the tiles of the airport floor.

I couldn't go to any hospital because he controls half of Colombia and would easily find me. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him right now. My only way out was to leave the advantage he had on home ground.

I asked the lady at the desk for the next flight that was leaving. She looked a bit confused as to why there was a half bleeding hooded woman demanding a seat at the next flight out of the country but honestly asking questions was above her pay grade.

I had gathered together what money I had left of any odd jobs I did behind my fathers back. It was enough to get me out of the country and hopefully an apartment somewhere.

I just need to make it out of here before anyone recognised me.

"You don't look so good," My eyes flickered up and my body reacted on its own as I drew out my blade. I was still fresh from a 10 v 1 smack down, my body was on fight mode at least until the adrenaline runs out.

The man stood unwaveringly as I pointed the edge of my blade at him. His eyes casually wandered down at my stance before settling slowly on my face.

He was definitely not someone I recognised. Chances are he didn't recognise me either.

"Got a bit of blood there," He murmured amusedly, pointing to his own cheek. I scowled at him and tucked my hand in my sleeve before wiping off yet another smearing of blood off the fresh cuts.

I winced at the sting and drew my blade back. Honestly if he wanted to kill me, I was no longer the heir to the Escasina, it'd be pointless.

And very few knew I was an escapee.

"Wyatt Russo," He nodded his head curtly and I rolled my eyes, slumping down on the seat I was at in the boarding lobby.

As if I cared who the hell he was.

I could feel the blood still trickling down my cheek, I knew it wasn't going to stop bleeding for a bit.

"You're bleeding heavily,"

"It's a cut, let it bleed out," I murmured, shifting my body away from him so he couldn't see how much of a mess I was under the hoodie. I could hear him sigh before taking a seat beside me and digging through his bag.

Persistent bastard, he was.

"Look this way," He said after a short moment and I couldn't stop the curiosity from making me tilt my head in his direction.

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