Chapter 13: It'll Cost You

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"Are you sure you're alright ma'am?" The officer asked concernedly, staring suspiciously at the splatters of blood smeared on my skin. My gun and remaining magazines were concealed under my blazer so no one would notice I was armed.

I didn't bother checking but I could tell from the way it stung every time I moved, my bullet wound from last week had definitely popped its sutures.

"Y-Yes o-officer, thank you," I stuttered out with more of a dramatic effect as I walked beside him, watching the rest of the unit assessing the damage and walking over the corpses that were piled in the remains of the exhibit.

Most of them were of the robbers, courtesy of me.

The public was blocked off by multiple cop cars and ambulances, so the press couldn't get anywhere near the mess.

Malakai and Flora had been taken to safety the moment police swept the place clean of any potential threat. Flora was reluctant to let go of me and go with the officer who offered to take her. Malakai despite his childish arrogance kept staring at me with a forlorn look as the officer walked them out to the ambulances barricading the place.

They both sat in the ambulance, wrapped in blankets as a paramedic bandaged the cut of Flora's leg.

"My babies!" Their mother cried in relief, weaving through the police holding off other civilians to run to her children. I watched from afar as Flora clung to her mother's arms with loud sobs and even the little brat Malakai burst into tears as he buried his face in her skirt.

"What do you think happened Officer?" I asked putting on my most convincing innocent damsel in distress voice I could muster up. My eyes kept trained on the kids as they continued to coddle in their mother's arms after a traumatic experience.

The officer fastened his cap over his head and sighed, "I'm not at liberty to say but this was definitely not an organized crime,"

"Not organized?"

His eyes flickered to me as if contemplating whether to tell me what he had deduced, "Well, they hit a museum, aiming for any civilian they can, but they looted almost nothing,"

My lips parted confusedly. "You're meaning to tell me they stole nothing?!"

"Well, not nothing, just whatever was in arms reach. We initially thought they were here to steal the priceless jubilee crown the exhibit was showing next week but it was still in the safe," he added with a concerned expression, "Which means-"

"-They weren't here for an item," I filled in with a hollow tone. Whoever they were they weren't looters here on some mundane heist. They were here to kill.

"Seems like someone they might've been targeting was here," the officer added to my thoughts. My gaze flickered back to Malakai and Flora as the paramedics wrapped up their assessment.

They were here for someone and I had a sneaking suspicion who they were here to kill.

I shifted from one leg to the other in thought, feeling my body scream at me with every muscle I moved. I was tired, I was hungry and I most definitely didn't want to be here. I think the officer noticed the slight wince on my face as he turned to me in concern.

"Now are you sure you don't want the paramedics to assess you?" He asked again, his eyes wandering down the tears and rips into my personal assistant cosplay. Calix was definitely going to have to buy me a new suit after this ordeal.

"Nah, I'm good," I blurted out absentmindedly, staring at the kids embrace their mother before quickly turning to face the officer again, feigning a traumatized expression, "I mean, i-it's okay, please help the kids,"

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