Chapter 7: Feigned Compassion

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When I joined Calix's firm as his bodyguard I half expected something exciting. Maybe an active hitman out for his blood, or maybe even someone sending him active threats.

But it was none of that.

At the very least I was hoping to snoop around and get some information on ATech and their association with that other familiar symbol on the papers I had stashed in my apartment. But here I was actually having to perform guard dog duties with him.

I skimmed through the papers last night, trying to make sense of what seemed to be a contract for product distribution approved by ATech for some company or organization that didn't specify a name. It was a loose agreement of a partnership but nothing that made any sense, at least to me.

I stood by Calix's office door, a tablet in hand and aimlessly scrolling through his schedule for the day. Despite being his personal bodyguard, I was also his secretary and that role came with the perks of being his work slave. I wasn't complaining entirely though, being his secretary meant I had access to almost all of his sensitive information without much hassle.

Either he was stupid or extremely trusting of me.

During the time he had attended his first morning meeting, I had memorized his schedule for the next week. It seemed Calix Winters was an excessively busy man, with meeting after meeting and public appearance after another, on the surface he looked like a normal CEO and director but there was something just not right about him.

Wyatt mentioned in the briefing that Calix was a part of The Underground when he was 16. His family background and life before that were practically unknown, but no one joined a gang at that age unless they had nowhere else to go.

"What are you dreaming about, Aria?" Calix's voice pierced into my thoughts and I snapped out of my trance to gaze up to a pair of sharp grey eyes. He had his usual nonchalant smirk plastered across his face as he stood in front of me with his hands tucked in his pocket.

He was dressed in a pale white shirt tucked into his navy slacks extending down his long legs.

"Ways to kill you," I replied with a simple shrug, and a bemused look washed over his face. Just because I took this job doesn't mean I was happy about it.

"Make sure it's quick then, I don't like my time being wasted - even in death," He shot back with a smirk before pushing open his office door. I rolled my eyes and tailed him inside, holding the tablet to my chest as I halted by the threshold. "What's on the schedule?" He mused, taking a seat at his desk before leaning back against the chair.

"You have a press conference in the downstairs regarding ATech's Antivirus Software in half an hour," I muttered, recapping his day and continuing to scroll through his calendar. There wasn't a slither of free time in his entire 9-hour work day with every square inch being occupied by a different coloured event. 

Calix's eyes never left my face for even a moment as I continued speaking. Only when I was done did he lean his chin on his knuckles before murmuring.

"This will be your first assignment as my bodyguard," He told me with a challenging look on his face. I stared back at him with a pointed look.

"Why exactly do you need a bodyguard?" I asked suspiciously. A man of this caliber shouldn't need a bodyguard.   

Calix stared at me for a moment before he sighed, "ATech don't just build commercial software, they also program and work with weapons. We work with various partners - some that most don't agree with," He explained in loose terms. 

What does he mean by various partners? From the way his eyes glazed over, I could tell it wasn't for ethical practices like law enforcement that the company was providing weapons for.

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