Chapter 6: Keep Your Enemies Closer

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The next morning came around faster than I had hoped, followed by the equal devastation of having to go to work and face my apparent new boss.

I was told in a very specific email that he wasn't going to be in the office in the morning due to a client meeting hence I only needed to be there in the evening.

So here I was, sitting outside of Arman's little cafe with a usual hot chocolate and croissant staring into space like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

My life didn't consist of much, aside from working, training, and the occasional drink at a bar - I don't do much. It was already driving me crazy that I couldn't investigate the Vienna Case and I had to bodyguard some rich asshole while my hard work was being wasted away by idiots.

Why doesn't something interesting happen in my life?

Groaning to myself, I picked up my cup and took a sip out of it. Before I could even put it down, the sound of a gunshot fired off in the footpath right across from the cafe.

"Nobody move!" The assailant yelled, pointing his gun frantically at the two officers that were apparently pursuing him.

Hysteric screams rang around me as bystanders began running for their lives. God, it gets so noisy when there's a gunman around!

When I said interesting, I didn't mean an active shooting.

"Nobody move or I'll blow her brains out!" He screamed again and my eyes flickered down to the woman being held in his grip. His forearm pressed against her neck and she struggled against him with a terrified look on her face.

WOW, a hostage - real mature.

"What do you want?" The officer in lead bargained, his hand facing down and his gun lowered in consideration of the hostage.

I sat there, still on my chair, and sipped my hot chocolate again while watching the scene unfold across the street.

I paid 5 bucks for this OKAY?! I'm not wasting a perfectly good hot chocolate because some amateur can't even execute a good getaway.

"I want you to let me go!" The assailant snapped back, inching back and dragging the hostage with him. I could see his line of sight flicker down to the satchel he had strapped across his chest.

Oh, perhaps he robbed a bank?

I realized the thief wasn't exactly dressed in attire fit for a robbery. His pants looked wrinkly and tattered to match the untucked shirt he wore with an ugly brown tie unkempt around his neck.

Minus the gun and he looked like your average minimum wage office worker.

Either this was his first robbery or he seriously needs a reality check on at least dressing for the occasion.

This man should be jailed for crimes against fashion.

"Let her go!" The officer called, desperately trying to get closer to them. But with every step, the assailant was getting more and more impulsive. You could practically see his eyes darting around wildly as if trying to find an escape route.

"No! I want my escape to be certain," he argued back. "Do it or I kill her!" He threatened, shaking the poor woman like a rag doll as the gun was brought against her forehead.

She screamed, begging her for life amongst the tears. As much as I was enjoying the show and watching the officers do their job, I wasn't enjoying it as much now that she was sobbing.

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