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Guys!!!! I got an actual book cover! Woohoo!! Now for the next chapter of Vampire secrets------

my phone buzzed in my ear.

"Hey Katrina, what's up?" I answered, seeing her name on the screen of my phone.

"Did you here about the murder?" She blurted out hurriedly. I turned on the TV and flipped to the news. They were talking about a night jogger who was jogging and was murdered. They had found no sight of wounds besides the tooth marks on his wrist.

"I'll call you back..." I replied to her. She hung up and I turned the volume up on the TV. A reporter came on and talked about the incident:

" Our latest news, an innocent jogger was killed by what looks like a wolf or mountain lion. We have his sister here who talks about what she saw." The reporter put the mic up to the younger girls face. " there was a dark figure that jumped in front of us and sprayed my eyes! I couldn't see and the next thing I knew, I was sitting on a gurney next to my dead brother"

I snapped the TV off. I didn't want to hear anymore about it. The Sunday morning seemed gloomy and rainy. I put Capri pants on and a short sleeve shirt that had a heart on it. I threw on an Aeropostale jacket and some old sneakers and headed out the door. I walked across the street next to the beachside condominiums. My sneakers left footprints in the damp sand as I turned the corner and trudged up the stairs.

"237 Sea Ridge condominiums" I read the address aloud.

-ding! Ding!-

Cody opened the door and let me in. I scrubbed my feet off on the mat and flipped my shoes off.

"Glad you're here." Cody smiled as he carried a box into the den. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and his muscles were bulging out.

"Need help moving in?" I asked.

"Sure! Just got a few more boxes." I walked over to the porch and picked up a small box. I brought it in to the kitchen and ripped off the tape. In it was a pan, a pan lid, a pair of oven mitts, two turkey basters, a salt and pepper shaker, and a small set of forks, knives, and spoons. I put them all away and walked into the den. He decorated the place with a naturistic scene. Paintings of trees and waterfalls lined the walls. I recognized one picture of us when we were kids swinging on the swing set. The couch was chocolate brown and fuzzy. The coffe table's legs were made of wood and the tabletop was marble. He added a modern lamp and a TV to spice it up.

"Hey! I thought you were helping me! " Cody snickered as he walked in with another giant box. He carried it with one hand and I wondered how he did it.

"Dude! Did you eat steroids in your breakfast this morning?" I joked around pulling brown pillows out of another box. I threw one one the couch and the other one at him. He chuckled and threw it back, almost knocking me over. Soon we engaged in a massive pillow fight. Finally, all of the boxes were unpacked and put away. We went outside and walked along the beach. Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey babe, it's Andrew" I gasped and looked at Cody. He was kicking the waves.

"Hey." I said back. I didn't know what to say. Cody came stumbling back to me. I tried to hide my phone in my hair, but he saw it and walked ahead to give me privacy.

"Where are you? We are at the bowling alley. Want to come?" He sounded hopeful.

"I...I can't today... Maybe another time?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't be mad.

"Sure beautiful, no problem!" He sounded relaxed and ok with me being busy. I liked that he didn't urge me to come.

"See ya later gorgeous!" He said goodbye and I hung up. I caught up with Cody.

"Who was that?" Cody asked me,

"Umm.. My cousin's friend's... Uh.. Sister." I said. I felt terrible about lying, but I didn't want to ruin the day.

"Oh.. Cool." He said.

How could I keep this up?


Haha! My hands smell like lemons!

I hope you all like it so far! If you are reading, I added some stuff to chapter 6, so go check it!

Do you think she will tell the truth?

Keep reading!! ❤Chelsea xx

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